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Darth Krawlie

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  • 3 months later...

Talking of tourist trap, this was the photo on my calendar when I flipped over to May - such an odd “look to camera” photo I’ve not seen before!

IMG_0172.thumb.jpeg.3970f5697ea7c4eb7d220925a265f0b7.jpeg“Come to the Death Star! You’ll never leave!”

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6 hours ago, Darth Krawlie said:

Still think those red imperial guards have one of the best designs in all of star wars

Aside from the whole not-being-able-to-turn-their-heads thing. 

But they look cool as fuck. 

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It's amazing the things that bob up after a May the 4th marathon on the big screen (some I'm sure have been addressed by Family Guy, Robot Chicken etc). All of these are OT, given the prequels and sequels are nothing but stupid unanswered questions.

  • Shouldn't Tarkin have at least consulted someone before blowing up a planet? The Emperor is a psycho, but pretty sure he'd want to give something that big the ok. Things like that also tend to create blowback.
  • They never thought to station some troopers outside the trash compactor?
  • "There'll be no escape for the princess this time", then later "A person of some importance, I believe", why is Threepio such a damn dirty liar? What is he hiding?
  • A completed Death Star only had a dozen or more tie fighters for protection??
  • Why did the rebels wait around on Yavin handing out medals, knowing full well the empire knew where they were and were pissed?
  • How could Ozzel become an Admiral with rookie mistakes like that?
  • And then later Vader lets Piett off the hook. Other than playing Jesus in a movie once, what makes him so special??
  • Did they actually have dinner at Cloud City? On that topic, how is that considered a 'small operation'??
  • Why did Han insist on flying the Falcon directly into the SD fleet from Hoth, when there were clearly ways out that were unguarded? Also, why fly TOWARDS the SSD when leaving Bespin??
  • "I've always known", So Leia knew Luke was her brother when she assaulted his face without his consent?
  • THAT is what the Emperor calls a fucking LEGION of his BEST TROOPS???
  • The 20 metres Han ran from the shield bunker put him out of what was clearly a substantial blast area?
  • What if Han said someone else's name after hearing "someone who loves you"?
  • "Nee Jabba no badda" is the greatest line in all of SW. Not a question, just fact.
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  • Darth Spoon "There'll be no escape for the princess this time", then later "A person of some importance, I believe", why is Threepio such a damn dirty liar? What is he hiding?"

He also said something about surviving an asteroid field was like a million to one. He obviously had taken some damage to his logic board.

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On 5/5/2024 at 9:44 PM, Darth Spoon said:


  • Why did Han insist on flying the Falcon directly into the SD fleet from Hoth, when there were clearly ways out that were unguarded? Also, why fly TOWARDS the SSD when leaving Bespin??

This is the one that’s bugged me from the beginning. The ships act like cars on a road that has barriers alongside it and so there’s only one direction to go. They’re in outer space! They can literally turn in any direction if there’s a hostile ship coming their way. The Bespin escape is the worst offender of this. Leia points at it and says, “a Star Destroyer.” You figure that means, holy crap go the other way. Instead they proceed to fly right at it to the point where they’re right next to it. It was almost like they were daring the Empire to use the tractor beam.

Honorable mention to the Hoth battle. You’re going up against a huge war machine with cannons mounted on its head and those cannons can only fire from that direction, and your ship can fly in any direction at high speeds. Why are you flying directly in front of it???

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Of all the things people complain about with the ST, it’s the fact that Abrams and Johnson don’t know how space works that kills me the most.

The whole space chase in TLJ made no sense at all considering the First Order could have hyperspace’s in front of them at any time.

You can look up in the sky from one system and see Starkiller Base shoot other planets real time with the naked eye?

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On 5/8/2024 at 8:24 PM, Gamevet said:
  • Darth Spoon "There'll be no escape for the princess this time", then later "A person of some importance, I believe", why is Threepio such a damn dirty liar? What is he hiding?"

He also said something about surviving an asteroid field was like a million to one. He obviously had taken some damage to his logic board.

Yes he is a damn liar!

ANH Threepio: “I’m only an interpreter and not very good at telling stories.”

ROTJ Threepio: He tells the story of everything that’s happened from ANH up to that point in the OT to the Ewoks complete with the exact sound effects of all the ships, lightsabers, explosions, Vader’s breathing, etc. 

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On 5/10/2024 at 1:28 AM, Tank said:

Of all the things people complain about with the ST, it’s the fact that Abrams and Johnson don’t know how space works that kills me the most.

The whole space chase in TLJ made no sense at all considering the First Order could have hyperspace’s in front of them at any time.

You can look up in the sky from one system and see Starkiller Base shoot other planets real time with the naked eye?

  Hyperspace shouldn't make a ship rip through another ship. It's warping space and time, pretty much making a worm hole for itself.

Those tiny ships in Star Trek, would have been ate up by the deflector shields of the Enterprise. Oh JJ!

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4 hours ago, Darth Krawlie said:

Definitely the best. Might be the worst too, but I dunno. I've only watched TROS once and have absolutely no desire to do it again, so maybe it's that

I have that movie on Blu-Ray and watched it to the end. I got the 4K version for $14 and stopped watching it, when Rey visited the destroyed Death Star. It was just so horribly done.

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On 5/19/2024 at 1:10 AM, Metropolis said:

Is The Last Jedi both the best and worst movie of the sequel trilogy?

Visually the best. Narratively the worst, and the least enjoyable. For me at least. 

TFA was the most enjoyable for me, it felt like a Star War of old. 

TROS was an absolute trainwreck of a story full of bullsit retconns but i still enjoyed it more than TFA, possibly because my expectations were so low i was anticipating another AOTC.

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