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How many times have you seen/will you see TFA?


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I've only seen it twice, once in regular format on opening night and later that weekend in 3D. I'll go see it in IMAX in a week or two, that will be plenty enough for me until the Bluray is out.

I kind of feel like multiple viewings can really cheapen a movie. I want to let it sink in on it's own merits instead of languishing with it in a honeymoon phase.

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Star Wars (and writing) distracts me from crappy things happening in real life. It's my therapy. :p



Again, the people giving you crap about this all do something way too much themselves it's just not out in the open.

I think/hope that most of us are just giving you crap because we've known you for so long and are having a laugh. But, yeah, the amount of time I waste posting on Nightly...

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Saw it again, this time in IMAX 3D. that makes three times...a new personal best.


Is it worth it in 3D? Nah. It's a bit cooler sure. I just don't think it's all that. Nothing against TFA. I'm like that with all 3D movies I guess. I could take it or leave it. Not a big enough difference to me.


Still love the movie. Chewie getting shot STILL makes me tear up. As does Ray out-forcing Kylo for the lightsaber. The emotional scenes still drive home with me even after 3 viewings. That's the movies biggest strength, I'd say.


As for it's faults: Artoo waking up stupidly bothers me more and more; it's sloppy and it's more obvious the more you see it. How can something so crucial to the plot be overlooked like that? The death star 3.0...less so. it's Star Wars after all, so what can ya do. The dumb Rathtar scene is less annoying after the third viewing. I just think of it as 15 useless minutes. I just tune it out, whatever. it gets better immediately after that.

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