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Ranking dumb shit and senseless arguing

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In line with my high nostalgia for the internet of yore, I decided to make a thread is a throwback to the original purpose of the internet...ranking dumb shit and arguing.

I love ranking stupid shit.  If I get bored or need to calm down, ranking dumb shit is my default go to.  For the last month the default conversation in my head has been ranking the months of the year.  Here is what I got:


Basically I love the cold, holiday shit, football, skiing, long nights/stargazing, playing soccer.

I hate the heat and July because it's my birthday month and all I can think about is how I am year closer to death and my existential dread is off the charts. 

I want to see your rankings of stupid shit (fast food restaurants, Disney characters, movie franchises, Nightly members that no longer post, dead 90s store chains, movies Seth has been involved with, seasonal clothes) and I will tell you why you are wrong and post the correct tiers :)

I used this site and this specific template if you want to use them to make your own...if you do, please post the link to the template you used so we can post our own.

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41 minutes ago, Darth Krawlie said:

January and August are shit tier months. There are five other months with 31 days and yet these two feel like a year on their own.

I only put August in C tier because you can see the end at the light of the tunnel in the hell is summer. 

Plus,  although I do kinda work in the summer, I get super bored without staff and kids.  I would love to flip the lengths of winter break and summer break. 

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14 hours ago, Destiny Skywalker said:

Can I rank stupid TikTok crazes? What is this water bottle shit that middle school girls are obsessed with? First it was Hydroflask, then Yeti, and now Stanley. It's a freaking WATER BOTTLE. I have no idea how your cup makes you cool.

Consumerism reinforced through predatory social media platforms. Working like a charm 

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waffles>belguim waffles>french toast>crepes>pancakes

water>pepsi>coke>unsweetened iced tea>strawberry soda>coffee>go without a drink in a restaurant

bill millers>los balitos>beijing express>hungry howies>subway>burger boy>whatever I packed for lunch 

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14 hours ago, Destiny Skywalker said:

Can I rank stupid TikTok crazes? What is this water bottle shit that middle school girls are obsessed with? First it was Hydroflask, then Yeti, and now Stanley. It's a freaking WATER BOTTLE. I have no idea how your cup makes you cool.

Such a Mom. My mom would have said that KMart cup is just fine. Shut up and drink your water.

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18 hours ago, Tank said:

I'm going to rank all your moms.

You literally just said you couldn't rank all the women you slept with,

15 hours ago, Destiny Skywalker said:

Can I rank stupid TikTok crazes? What is this water bottle shit that middle school girls are obsessed with? First it was Hydroflask, then Yeti, and now Stanley. It's a freaking WATER BOTTLE. I have no idea how your cup makes you cool.

At a staff meeting the other day I noticed like every young female teacher had some insane Stanley bottle.  I immediately had to stop the meeting and talk about a Consumer Reports article that said that Ozark Trail (Wal-Mart brand) did just a good of a job as Yeti/ Stanley or whatever if you are just trying to keep something hot or cold for a day.

1 hour ago, Ms. Spam said:

waffles>belguim waffles>french toast>crepes>pancakes

water>pepsi>coke>unsweetened iced tea>strawberry soda>coffee>go without a drink in a restaurant

bill millers>los balitos>beijing express>hungry howies>subway>burger boy>whatever I packed for lunch 

any of those breakfast foods are a toss up!  I only like old school french toast with normal sliced bread.  I hate the fancy french toast that is super thick. 

I only get water or iced tea in a restaurant if I am not drinking

Don't know what half those restaurants are.

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This might cause some senseless arguments, or would have done in the past

Ghostbusters 1984

Ghostbusters 2016

Ghostbusters II

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Based on how likely they are to distract me from whatever I am doing if they appear on free-to-air TV


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17 minutes ago, captainbleh said:

This might cause some senseless arguments, or would have done in the past

Ghostbusters 1984

Ghostbusters 2016

Ghostbusters II

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Based on how likely they are to distract me from whatever I am doing if they appear on free-to-air TV


You are out of your god damn mind.


I LOVED Afterlife and bawled like a baby at the end. 


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2 hours ago, Darth Krawlie said:

How dare you criticize Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him!

Dana job flipping between two completely different professions that each takes a lifetime to master and in both she is a dream job in at both (NYC symphony and NYC art museum ) like she was a cashier switching between a cashier at the grocery store now stocking shelves at Wal-Mart as a plot device. 

Ohhh...that's a trope I hate....

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On 1/17/2024 at 12:25 PM, Hobbes said:

In line with my high nostalgia for the internet of yore, I decided to make a thread is a throwback to the original purpose of the internet...ranking dumb shit and arguing.

I love ranking stupid shit.  If I get bored or need to calm down, ranking dumb shit is my default go to.  For the last month the default conversation in my head has been ranking the months of the year.  Here is what I got:



I hate this stupid template because the colors are backwards. Like why is red at the top at the good thing? Red is bad. Green is good. Red stop, don't, danger. Green go. Stupid tier ranking template. 

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On 1/22/2024 at 3:15 AM, Cerina said:

I hate this stupid template because the colors are backwards. Like why is red at the top at the good thing? Red is bad. Green is good. Red stop, don't, danger. Green go. Stupid tier ranking template. 

That template comes from gaming, and it's usually used to measue the power of a class build in RPGs.  The colours are for effectiveness, the more powerful the more hot the colour,  and everything in the red is the best cause it smokes everything else. 


I mean, it also places S tier above A tier cause S is for Sigma, bro. Colour is the least annoying thing about these ranking boards 

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