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  1. Today
  2. Apparently it's called the Mandela Effect, whereby a mass number of the population all miss-remember a thing from the past in the same way. Named after the phenomenon where a large amount of people all believed that Nelson Mandela died in prison.
  3. Next dumb question. How real are all those YouTube “reaction” videos? I saw one the other day where this guy was supposedly watching ESB for the very first time and when it came to the “I am your father” scene, he freaked out. He kept repeating things like, “it makes sense now, ‘Luke, I am your father.’” That line is so imprinted in pop culture psyche that he knew it even though he didn’t understand it until now. I thought it was even more hilarious because he knew the line the way it’s always misquoted by non-fans and now he heard the actual line but was still thinking the misquoted line was the real deal.
  4. Things blew up today on the neighborhood Facebook page. Apparently one of the boys in the other 6th grade class has been making death threats since March and the principal has been sweeping it under the rug because, surprise, mom is a district employee. They've tried escalating to the school board and superintendent and finally got told that their son needs to shut up about it because the kid is "just joking" and its all hearsay. So they let everyone know that this kid is threatening to shoot up the school tomorrow, and the parents are unenrolling their kids. Apparently after the family texted everyone they knew, 40 parents showed up to collect their kids (about 15% of the school). Things are totally out of control there. I am so glad we pulled Q when we did. I actually don't think the kid is going to shoot up the school because I don't think he has access to actual weapons. But he has thrown desks and threatened his teacher and her family. I feel really awful for the teacher, for the family that's been dealing with this, and his classmates. I can't believe this situation has been mishandled even worse than ours.
  5. Yesterday
  6. I watched the final trailer for TROS yesterday. I remember that trailer making me really excited about the movie. It was how that scored it. That feeling didn't last. As for TLJ, save the Finn-Rose side quest, the movie I thought did a lot of good things. What it did bad was not acting like the second of three movies. I walked out of the theater thinking "they're never going to resolve this with one movie left".
  7. Dissatisfaction Threshold is the name of my new post-punk band.
  8. I have Daytona USA on the PS3. It would be cool if I could, but it never happened with the PS4.
  9. Last week
  10. For me just has so many great sequences. The whole thing around the throne room, the Holdo manuever, the battle on Crait, Luke vs Kylo. Just all top tier Star Wars stuff.
  11. Love this term and adopting it immediately. It's the prefect definition of why I can forgive so many B horror films for being terrible so long as they are fun, and yet, won't cut the PT much slack. It also explains why I like the X-Men movies even though they are mostly terrible.
  12. Of course you would I'm not surprised
  13. Its funny, I think the 2nd half or so of TLJ is the greatest hour so in all the franchise.
  14. TLJ is a movie of two halves for me. I mostly like it until Rey leaves Luke, but I think most of what happens afterwards is a mess and I find myself thinking of alternatives to what was shown if I allow myself to think about it too much. If I love a movie I can forgive any flaws (like people), but there's a dissatisfaction threshold where I start thinking about alternatives and nitpicking stuff (like some of the choreography in the duel between Reylo and Snoke's guards) and that's a sign to walk away. The ST is like a series of dates for me that started out promisingly but just got worse. TFA is the one that went well and got my hopes up. TLJ didn't go as well, but I thought I'd give it one more chance. TROS was the third date where they turn up drunk and throw up on your shoes outside the venue, but you go through with it anyway. The ST is mostly a memory for me now. I haven't watched any of it since I saw it in theaters (4 x TFA, 3 x TLJ, 1 x TROS). R1 is the only recent SW movie that has the power to disrupt my day if it appears on free-to-air, but I also seem to like it for different reasons to most people I know. I still think Rey / Ridley and Kylo / Driver are great in all three movies, and Luke / Hamill in TLJ, but they can't save TROS from being a cowardly and cynical pile of trash
  15. TLJ is easily the best looking Star Wars movie out there. Also some of the biggest swings, coolest designs, most interesting additions to the universe, and has probably my favorite lightsaber duel... but at the end of the day it is criminally boring and while I don't think giving fans exactly what they want is something filmmaker should do (cause most fans have terrible taste) to actively try and subvert and ignore what they want isn't a game to play with a franchise this big. It literally broke fandom in half twice as hard as the division between PT lovers/haters. I maintain AOTC is still the worst Star Wars ever, with TROS being a close second.
  16. It's weird how the memories are both incredibly shameful, cringy, and nostalgic. Kinda like high school.
  17. Visually the best. Narratively the worst, and the least enjoyable. For me at least. TFA was the most enjoyable for me, it felt like a Star War of old. TROS was an absolute trainwreck of a story full of bullsit retconns but i still enjoyed it more than TFA, possibly because my expectations were so low i was anticipating another AOTC.
  18. A friend of mine just recently logged into his after about 10 years and he said everything was the same, so I'm going to say yes.
  19. Would my Xbox live account still be active even though i haven't used it since before the Xbox One? But that it would be a big deal setting up a new account. I need to look at the exclusives to see which way I'd want to go.
  20. Speaking as a rug buyer I just bought a outdoor rug to keep Pipsquatch from breaking into this lady’s patio to lounge on her rug.
  21. I mean I was on nightly in '06, and before that as a lurker for ROTS purposes somewhere around '04 or '05, but I feel like I missed the golden age (or golden shower) of nighly.
  22. Yeah I’m not proud of about 90% of my online activities previous to 2012 or so
  23. He doesn't feel at all like a 10 year old boy in the movie. Definitely gives off more of a teenager vibe.
  24. I think the PS3 titles can be streamed through PS+? At leas the PS4 digital purchases can be installed, so there's that. There is one game I'd love to play again, the first Buffy game for Xbox but it's not available.
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