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Xbox or PS5?

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I haven't had a system since the Xbox360. I kinda got out of gaming because so many games were becoming online centric. I was mostly a sports and fighting game gamer. I liked first person shooters until the single player more became non existent. With EA finally releasing College Football 25 in July it has come time for me to jump back in. Yes. A college football game was enough to make me want to buy a new console. 

The question is which one? I'm still familiar with the xbox controller, but getting used to the PS controller wouldn't be too hard. The only thing I am adamant about is having the disc version of either. I'm not comfortable not having a hard copy of the game. I do know that games need to be loaded onto the console before you can play them, but whatever. I'm sure some of your guys have one if not both.

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I got a series S about two months ago and have had a PS4 for a while. I’m not a huge gamer, but I definitely prefer the Xbox. Game Pass is pretty awesome—though we’ll see if I change my mind once my three month free trial ends. No physical games for it, though, so if that’s a dealbreaker for you I guess your decision is made already (maybe series x does but I don’t know, I went for the cheaper console)

My brother, meanwhile, has a PS5 and prefers that.

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I never thought I'd become a PC guy for gaming, but I have. My Xbox One and PS4 are collecting dust and I haven't bothered keeping up with current gen consoles. Xbox seems pointless now that I have a windows machine that's going to give me all the same stuff, with better graphics and mods if I want them. Playstation... I'm hanging onto the 4 so I can replay a few Sony exclusives that I love. If more exclusives come out that aren't bound for Windows I may get a PS5, but nothing yet has come about to make me need to do that.

Also, XBox's future is uncertain these days with all their exclusivity deals vanishing. If that unfolds then the Playstation wins as being the only box that can play everything (except Nintendo exclusives which.. you know.. Nintendo is a different audience).

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I have a PS5 and have been really pleased with it.  No issues with it and thoroughly enjoyed all the games.

The backward compatibility with the PS4 games helps a lot as well. Some have a free upgrade to PS5 version - for example Jedi Fallen Order I grabbed several years back on PS4, then in prep for the second game I installed it on the PS5 and it gave option for free upgrade to enhanced PS5 version. Lots of nice touches like that.

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I think I've had my PS5 for a little over 2 years. It's great that I can pop in any (that I know of) PS4 game in the PS5 and it will run. Some games will get the PS4 Pro version of 4K, while games like Days Gone will get a visual boost and 60FPS gameplay. It's also cool that you can buy any VNME drive that meets Sony's required specs and just pop it in. I dropped a 1TB NVME drive in it last year, for just a little over $120. Adding 1 TB of fast storage requires the purchase of Microsoft's official 1TB or 2TB cards, which once exceeded $179 and $249 to purchase. Astro's World is a really fun game, btw. Some call it just a demo, but feels like a full blown Mario or Sonic game. 

I got the Series-X about 2 months ago, because of all of the rumors about an updated console, without a optical drive. I wanted the BC with older games from the OG Xbox and 360, plus it would be cool to play some of the Xbox One games I'd missed out on. I skipped the Xbox One, because I've had substantially better PC hardware that played all of the games available on that console.  I've been able to pick up some $5 games on clearance at Walmart, but I do feel that Game Pass is pretty much killing physical media for the console. It's killing game sales and kind of hurts the market and devs. MS just shut down the developers of the highly praised Hi-Fi Rush and they've been buying up studios, only to turn around and cut staff.  The console is $50 less expensive than the PS5, but Sony throws in a free game, plus Astro's World. 

Personally, I feel that Sony's 1st party offerings are some of the best in the industry. It's not really a thing, if you only plan on playing a sport title, here or there. Speaking of Sports, I really love playing Forza Horizon 4 and 5. There's so much to do in those games, besides racing.

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PS5! I have both PS5 and the Series S, the S mostly just collects dust. When you also have a gaming PC, there's not much reason to have an Xbox IMO. Plus, PS5 has the PSVR2, I've been playing RE8 and Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge. That giant vampire lady in RE hits way different when she looks like she's in the same room as you LOL.

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The one thing that I think stands out for the Series-X, is that your digital purchases on the original Xbox 360, will transfer over to your Series-X. I haven't seen any hint that my PS3 digital titles will do the same. 

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I think the PS3 titles can be streamed through PS+? At leas the PS4 digital purchases can be installed, so there's that. There is one game I'd love to play again, the first Buffy game for Xbox but it's not available.

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Would my Xbox live account still be active even though i haven't used it since before the Xbox One? But that it would be a big deal setting up a new account. I need to look at the exclusives to see which way I'd want to go. 

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On 5/20/2024 at 9:50 AM, CoLA said:

I think the PS3 titles can be streamed through PS+? At leas the PS4 digital purchases can be installed, so there's that. There is one game I'd love to play again, the first Buffy game for Xbox but it's not available.

I have Daytona USA on the PS3. It would be cool if I could, but it never happened with the PS4.

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