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I have no idea. I just selected three people, chose three people to drop. I didn't do anything special/different. I thought waivers go round-robin?

Which two did you want? I'll give you one of them so we each have one a piece.

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Actually it looks like it did go round-robin. I had Justin Forsett as my number 1 priority, Eddie as 2 and bears 3. It gave me Justin, you Packers then it didn't give you any so I assume you had Justin as 1? Even so, I thought that it would go to your 2nd choice then? Instead it looks like it gave me the two after. Was your priorities Packers, Justin and (royal or bears)?

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See, I have no clue how waiver works. I've never really had a strong understanding of it. Like, I have a better record than you, so shouldn't have you gone first in the round robin? All I did was select three people. Then after that, you go to the "waiver order" and you rank who you want the most.


Anyway, who did you want?

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If you claim a player on waivers, your waiver priority resets to the bottom. Your priority will go up if another team claims a waiver.


For instance, if Rock has the #1 priority and selects a player, his priority will be #10 following the pickup. If Lucas has the #2 priority and selects a player, then he will go to #10, and this moves Rock up to #9. And so on...

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