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  1. Yesterday
  2. I bought one of these a few weeks ago and just got back from our first glamping trip. Here's my new setup:
  3. Last week
  4. The pool is finally finished. It was such a beatdown laying all of those stepping stones down and digging to level out the ground below it. It’s so much that the clay underneath just sticks to the shovel and everything it touches. The final day, it was 3 in afternoon and 92 degrees. I was familiar with how this brand of pool assembled, so it only took 2 hours to unbox, spread out and assemble. The pool hold @ 3,000 gallons and it took about 10 hours to fill. Looking forward to Saturday.
  5. Tank

    The Acolyte

    That's exactly my point-- for some people, Trek was done with ENT, and Picard Season 3 being the only real follow up. Disco is a mess, but fun sometimes. I actually really like Strange New Worlds. That said, with Paramount Plus on the chopping block, and Paramount the studio looking to be bought or bring in an equity partner, Trek on streaming is dead for the moment. They haven't produced anything new and development/writing rooms are all paused while Paramount Proper keeps yapping about a new feature film and has commission several scripts but moved on none of them.
  6. Gamevet

    The Acolyte

    Yeah! I’d realized my error, after shutting down the PC to go to bed. I did like the 1st movie, though it did feel a little too drawn out near the end. Into the Darkness was pretty meh though. I thought that the Enterprise being taken down by a bunch of single man ships was down right stupid.
  7. Gamevet

    The Acolyte

    There wasn't anything in 2009. The last good show was Enterprise in 2005. There wouldn't be another Star Trek show until 2018's Discovery. They wanted people to pay for CBS's streaming service to watch it and it bombed. Paramount picked up the rights from CBS and brought those other shows along for the ride down the drain.
  8. The Choc

    The Acolyte

    You are right about the poison tree, forgot about that. Honestly like I said I felt the whole thing was boring eventhough I liked some of the ideas in it. So I probably zoned out a bit watching. I kinda feel like this would have been better told piecemeal through dreams or flashbacks throughout the series rather than an episode devoted to it.
  9. Tank

    The Acolyte

    Definitely more to it. They mentioned at the top that tree was poisonous. That looked like a mass suicide to me. Everyone has a different tap out for Trek. Some people bailed in 2009 and haven't looked back That was me. It's a case of production needs taking precedent over story. These days they use practical LED blades so there's actual light being cast in-scene. In the last couple shows they've struggled with fitting the electronics into pre-existing saber designs, often running batter cables inside sleeves. This time they basically just have simple stylized tubes to hold everything.
  10. The Choc

    The Acolyte

    I like the idea that the Jedi taking kids is just wrong. Even at Osha's age she is far too young to make that kind of life long decision. So that was kinda cool. Also the whole idea that The Force doesn't belong to the Jedi. Thats good stuff. I dont really understand what killed the witches. I mean there were dozens of dead bodies that didn't seem to be very close to the actual fire and didn't seem burned. Overall the episode was just dreadfully boring though. Im still interested in the "present day" stuff so hopefully get back to that next week. This week though, not very good.
  11. Gamevet

    The Acolyte

    This didn't start happening to Star Trek, until the last few shows that have come out. They didn't feel like they were made for the core audience. Picard had its moments, but fans really didn't like season 2. Season 3 was more of a fan service, with a drawn out story, but it was good because of that.
  12. I'd thought that somebody had posted that. Actually, I did post about it on May 27th.
  13. The NBA logo has passed away. Jerry West has passed at the age of 85.
  14. Metropolis

    The Acolyte

    I try not to overthink the television shows because i know there an episode the next week. I still go back to Torbin(first of his name) willingly drinking the poison. What did they do that was so bad? Is not what was shown. Also Mae doesn't get the moral "high ground" here. Maybe she didn't kill the coven, but she was willing to kill her sister to not let her go. I thought about the Jedi spying on the witches before they approached them about the girls. Definitely shady. They didn't seem to force the girls to go with them. It occurred to me that the Jedi might have been the ones to kill the witches to get the girls. Maybe they wanted Mae and Osha was a plus one. They're hiding something. That much is obvious. Perhaps Osha breaks through like Neo at the end and proves to be worth what the Jedi were after. But you didn't let that girl go and be mechanic right? Stupid observations. Did Torbin's hairline receed in meditation? Dude was a padawan 10 years prior. Stress will get you. I saw someone comment about how unimaginative the light sabers looked. They weren't wrong. Disney will have a hard time making money off of what we've seen so far.
  15. Tank

    The Acolyte

    I liked, and not just because my friend was one of the writers of it. I think it took the ideas that both John and Filoni have played with, in that there's more to The Force than just Jedi and Sith. Where as Filoni's stabs (the Bendu, the Nightsisters, and the family) were a mixed bag, this coven felt like a more interesting offshoot. The fact the Jedi show up as the ones not to be trusted was fun. A lot of the stuff the coven is playing with is stuff we've seen before (the Force Dyad in the ST, immaculate conception in the PT), just from a different POV. There's more to the story for sure-- the fire didn't kill all the coven, something else happened we haven't seen, whether it was Mae or not. Truth is, in the Republic, the Jedi DO take kids. I think what we're going to find (and my friend has told me nothing under punishment of death via a Disney NDA) is that the coven used both sides of the force equally, and are like the "gray" Jedi fandom is always clamoring for. And of course the old school Jedi don't like that, and it is probably why Osha had to bail from her training, and Mae found a new teacher.
  16. Metropolis

    The Acolyte

    Don't know what to think the new episode. I'm having Ryan Johnson what are you thinking vibes. With Johnson his story made no sense when you only had one movie to conclude the series. Yesterday's episode I'm asking who am i supposed to root for? The witches? I don't know. There's is a backstory there, but i don't know why they're in exile. Mae? That kid is F'd up. Osha? I thought from the first could of episodes that she has sealed herself off from the Force. Now it just looks like she's wishy-washy and doesn't know what she wants to do with her life. The Jedi? They're not fully the bad guys yet. Sol should not have taken in Osha as his Padawan. Five episodes left right? They have time.
  17. Tank

    The Acolyte

    You’re not wrong and I totally feel similar… but then something like Rogue One happens and I’m in. Those characters, with the exception of Andor, only had one movie and I loved most of them. It’s become kind of Arthurian, which given it’s one of the inspirations, makes some sense. You have the core mythos, and over time, it’s been added to. It’s very fantasy-genre to expound on generations before and after your key mythos. Or in horror terms, once Jamie Lee Curtis was done with Halloween they had to hand the story off to Danielle Harris for a couple movies. It’s weird to me because while I never loved the EU I always wanted more exploration and depth to the SW universe, and now that I have it I’m realizing that kinda robs it of some of the magic.
  18. Someone once told me that to them, Star Wars was the story of Luke, Leia, Han and the rest of the heroes. Once that story was told in the OT, it was done. Lucas then retconned it with the PT by saying the six films were the story of Anakin. Because that part of the story was still close to the original intent — the parents of the OT heroes, Obi Wan, Yoda, Palpatine, etc. — it was still accepted. But once you start expanding it to other characters not part of those we knew, other eras, the average Joe doesn’t care. Sure it’s “Star Wars,” but it’s not, if that makes any sense. In her mind when you say Star Wars, a mythical epic saga of a band of heroes fighting these iconic villains comes to mind. So the idea that you just keep growing this saga with new characters in different situations, whether pre-PT or post-OT, and it’ll maintain its “specialness” was very unlikely because more people feel like she does than people like us who were big enough fans to have gotten on these message boards for years to discuss the saga. She also said it’s not just with SW. She felt the same way about other franchises. If it’s a Batman story, she wants to see Batman. She doesn’t want to see “Gotham” where it’s a young Jim Gordon coming up the police ranks before Bruce Wayne ever donned the cape and cowl. That’s just a cop drama. That’s not Batman.
  19. Metropolis

    The Acolyte

    I was in Walmart the other day and saw an Obi-Wan 4K Steelbook. I've kept my purchases to the movies, but I'm really thinking about getting that.
  20. I saw this YouTube short with Mark Henry. I did not know she was on America's Got Talent. I don't watch those shows anymore.
  21. Zathras

    The Acolyte

    Out of the Disney Star Wars movies, Rogue One is my favorite. TROS is my least favorite.
  22. The REAL loss is gonna be if Samantha Irvin leaves with him. I really hope she doesn’t. She’s my all time favorite announcer not named Howard Finkel
  23. Gamevet

    The Acolyte

    I really liked Rogue One. It's a well written story with likeable characters. Yeah, it has it's goofy moments, but I can accept those. That being said. I managed to pick up a copy of The Rise of Skywalker on 4K Blu-Ray, for cheap. I already had it on BR, but wanted to see it with all of the fancy 4K tech. I had to check out of the movie, when Rey and Kylo with Kylo on the remaining surface of the Death Star. The battle was so lame. The story was already getting too stupid to care about, before even getting to the final battle. I really feel like I should just sell both copies and be done with it.
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