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Chalcedony last won the day on January 1 2023

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About Chalcedony

  • Birthday 07/03/1964

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    Prescott, AZ
  • Interests
    Sci-fi, reading, arts and crafts, cats, dragons, nature, mountains, Red Dwarf, MST3K

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  1. #1 I dunno, seems like a lot of gay men talk that way. Don't know if it's an affectation or maybe the result of too much estrogen affecting the vocal cords or what. There are gay men who don't talk that way. #2 happens all the time. Women do not stand a chance against men in sports, which is why men and women have separate sports events and teams. You'd never know it to watch the mainstream news, though, they all read the script they're given, and the script says it's okay for men to be in women's sports.
  2. Definitely a necessity. I've always wanted a canopy bed, myself.
  3. Nightly should be renamed "Elderly Star Wars Fans."
  4. My friend in Oregon can't take her dog to the beach because everyone else lets their dogs off-leash to run around pooping everywhere and being an annoyance, and possibly a threat, to other people. Leash laws ought to be enforced more. I don't care if you think your dog is the most harmless baby ever to live, I don't know that and I don't want him running up to me. And what's the deal with people who cannot resist running over to every single dog they see to ask if they can pet it? I love dogs, but I never do this. I don't' think that the owners or the dogs like it when strangers go up to them like that.
  5. Is there some out-of-the-way corner you could place them on a small tree or something? They'll only be up for the Christmas season, anyway, then you can put them in a box and forget about them. I'm thinking if you "lost" them, she'd only give you more as replacements.
  6. I don't understand this attitude. People are always buying things in the hopes that someday, it'll be worth a buttload of money. It won't. This never happens. That Star Wars/Star Trek/Lord of the Rings crap you bought decades ago won't sell for nearly as much as you would like...OR you won't want to sell it, ever, because you enjoy looking at it or you want to give it to your kids to play with. I remember the "invest in gold coins" fad with ads everywhere. Always thought it was stupid, because if the SHTF, who the heck is going to want it? I need to buy food at the end of the world, who wants my gold coins in exchange for a loaf of bread? Anyone? I've been losing interest over the years, just basically doing it out of habit, I guess. Decided not to even bother anymore. I like decorations and lights, I just personally don't want to have to deal with them.
  7. That's one thing I miss about Ohio, the gorgeous fall foliage. Here in Arizona, fall colors are more muted and don't last as long. Plus, there's not much of it.
  8. I've seen people post a couple of these types of videos and dismissed the fad as one of the most idiotic things of the 21st century. In fact, I've dismissed pretty much the whole of TikTok as worthless. The only time I ever see TikTok vids is when they show up on Facebook or someplace.
  9. You and me both. I have no close relatives, just a few cousins scattered here and there, and no idea what to get them even if I wanted to. I really don't do Christmas anymore, anyway. Kinda pointless, since I live alone, and my two cats don't care.
  10. I know absolutely nothing about automobiles, so I'm going to assume these make your car fly.
  11. I gave up on Christmas. I live alone with two cats, I'm tired of putting up decorations and then having to find someplace to store them when they're not up. That's a big issue when you live in a small apartment, there's no place to store seasonal decor. I saved a few that I really like, and I keep those up all the time, because why not? Most of them aren't really Christmas-y, they're just sparkly things I made to hang up and enjoy. I'm nearly 60, I don't need a lot of stuff, anyway, time to downsize. Did anyone here go shopping on Black Friday? I never do, but I hear there wasn't much of a turnout anywhere this year. There are no deals anymore, some stores literally put sale signs up that are the same as the original price! I don't think many people feel the need for big-screen TVs and new gaming systems when they can barely afford groceries.
  12. I asked Bing AI to make a clown cuddling a kitten. That part looks okay, but AI really doesn't understand how a horse's legs work. And what the heck is going on with the characters in the background??
  13. Because their parents didn't beat them hard enough, in this case.
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