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Nightly Basketball Federation - Season VIII

groove terminator

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Texascat is currently being put in his place. Hopefully this continues throughout the week.


Well it looks as if that didnt happen. Another 6-3 victory for the People's Champ, Texascat!!!!


I do challenege all opponents to a good, hard fought, competetive week of basketball. Just remember who you will be up against. But until then, Exodus and Team Carr have been placed on that short bus, with their crash helmets fastened on, licking them windows. HA!


1. Window Licking Retard 49 up, 5 down buy window licking retard mugs, tshirts and magnets A person that has the common sense of a garden slug, compared to the poor child on the short bus that has no control over the fact he/she licks the windows.Jack is a total window licking retard. He got caught screwing some bitch, by his wife, in their bed! tard dumbass moron stupid jackass

2. lessles 2 thumbs up

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A person who lick windows and is incapable of spelling or ever driving to a an RS meet

That lessles is was licking my windows at National Day again

3. window licker 142 up, 46 down

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:when i'm licking windows.

4. window licker 90 up, 42 down

buy window licker mugs, tshirts and magnets someone who if not licking windows on the short bus is normally licking there shoulder on drulling on themselves

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Chicago- Despite Team Carr's best efforts this week to blow a 3 game lead in the division with one week to go, Team Carr was able to capture its second Division championship in the first 3 years of the league. The Kemah Schemer's and Team Carr finished with identical records of 99-69-3, but Team Carr takes the Bird Division title because of holding a 9-8-1 lead in the head-to-head match-up this season with the Schemers. Team Carr owner Garrison Carr spoke earlier today. "It's really a great accomplishment for this team, there was a lot of adversity this season," Carr said. "We had some injury issues to deal with this year, and some inconsistent play that we couldn't account for."


The bye in this year's NBF playoffs is much needed for Team Carr as one of their key contributors is currently out with injury with an uncertain timetable on his return. "A lot of people forget that Tyreke was our Finals MVP last season," Carr said. "He was just so versatile for us finishing above average on the player rater in just about every category. He's suffered through some inconsistency at times this season but there's not question our team will be better once he returns."


No team has experienced the success that Team Carr has to this point in the history of the NBF. Carr has gone two for two capturing NBF Championships, beating the Gold Coast Rollers in season 1 and then besting the Kevin Durant led Irish Micks last season. "I don't know how much success we'll have in this postseason," said Carr. "Obviously we like our chances and think we have a heck of a shot, but no matter who we get in the 2nd round it's going to be a tough tough match up. We're not too thrilled with how we finished this season, but hopefully we can put together another run this postseason."


Carr was asked who he thought should be considered the favorite as the play-offs begin and his response was typically candid. “Oh come on,” he said. “Haven't you guys been covering me long enough to know how I'm going to answer this question? Of course we're the favorite.”


Fellow NBF owner Rock Ledoux didn't take issue with Carr's comments. “Whenever you repeat in a league, at any level, I don't really care what your regular season results are in that third season-” Ledoux said. “As long as you make the playoffs, I'm going to consider you the favorite.”


Ledoux may have a point. In each of Michael Jordan's Chicago Bulls 3-peats, the third seasons had the lowest win totals. When the Yankees achieved their 3-peat, their win total in the final season was markedly lower than the other two seasons. The only recent team to buck that trend was the 2002 Los Angeles Lakers, whose 58 wins represented the middle total in their three-peat (by just 2 games).


“I'm just glad I don't have to face them until the Finals this year,” added Ledoux with a wry smile. “But really, I'm serious.”


After Team Carr's matchup with Rock's Ballers concluded this evening, the team remained in the arena with Owner Garrison Carr and President of Basketball Operations, Larry Bird, in order to watch the conclusion of the Kemah Schemer's match-up with the Yorkshire Terriers which would decide the winner of the division named for Team Carr's President.


“It was a natural fit to hire Larry to help me out last season,” Carr remarked. “He's a Hoosier through and through and he's the basketball Jesus for a reason.”


Bird was slightly less enthusiastic about everything- as usual. (video taken from the scene, shortly after the Schemers/Terriers game went final)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr9ldg2jL3Q (FF to 1:38 mark for Larry Bird reaction)


The NBF Playoffs begin this week as longtime rivals Rock and Darth Lohr match-up in the 4/5 seed game after they finished with nearly identical records. Fittingly, the two teams tied in their season series 9-9. On the opposite side of the bracket Exodus' Kemah Schemers take their 3rd place record and put it on the line against the upstart Yorkshire Terriers and their previously basketball-inept English owner Ryan Edwardson.


“I'm just excited to be here,” Edwardson said. “I'm playing with house money. Can you imagine? I'm British and know nothing about basketball, what would that say about this league if I were able to win it.”


“Personally I think Duke has the best shot in the playoffs this year,” he said. “They do well at scoring the ball through the hoop, and passing and things. I just wonder how any team without David Beckham can have such consistent success. But I suppose if the Colts can it, then Duke could overcome Team Carr and win the World Series too.”


The third NBF playoffs should be exceptionally exciting this season. There are lots of impressive storylines to keep track of. Team Carr is looking to cement themselves in keeper league lohr by winning their third straight title. Exodus' Kemah Schemers are looking to pull off the unprecedented league double, and the Highlight Reel look to assert themselves as an elite team like their owner so often tries to claim. These are just a few of the stories to look for as this year's playoffs get underway.

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Oh well, I can just improve my team now that I know the names of some better baskeball players. I wonder if that Wade guy will be a FA over the summer...

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Yeah, I saw what you did there. Funny guy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go hire those hookers I promised the guys if they managed to head into the playoffs on a hot streak.



I also need to figure out what kind of incentive I can offer for making it to the Finals. Hmm, I haven't seen Megan Fox in anything lately. Maybe she's available...

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After nine 100+ win teams in our first two seasons, we had just one this year. At first glance, I thought "league parity" must have come into play. However, this is actually the fewest number of teams we've ever had with winning records. The true cause, it seems, is that the number of games played this season dropped from the 189 played in each of the first two regular seasons to just 171 games this year. Had those "missing" 18 games been played, we would have certainly had two - and quite likely have had four - more teams go over the 100 win mark.


Something to note for your inevitable NBF History, Garrison. ;)

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Good question. We have the same number of teams in our league this year that we had last year. So does the NBA. So why did the schedule format need to be altered? In fact, we actually had 12 teams in Season One and then dropped down to 10 for Season Two - and yet the number of games played stayed the same. I'm ok with change when it has a good reason, but I don't see that being the case here. It seems more like change for the sake of change. "Hmm, what can we "tweak" next?". Nothing. Stop ****ing with our game, dammit! :nono:

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Well, I haven't compared the post-season schedules, yet. You already got a bye from the altered regular season schedule, so that alone won't cut it. You better make sure your excuse holds more water than that or the press will eat you alive after your team stumbles and falls in the second round! :p

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Personally I think Duke has the best shot in the playoffs this year, he said. They do well at scoring the ball through the hoop, and passing and things. I just wonder how any team without David Beckham can have such consistent success. But I suppose if the Colts can it, then Duke could overcome Team Carr and win the World Series too.

I didn't say these things, but if I did this would be how I said them.


Except for Beckham. He sucks.


I do expect duke to win the pennant though

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Sources say that I am slightly miffed that I lost out on the playoffs because I had to play a top team whilst Brad played a bottom team as an extra game in an uneven schedule.


But sources also say that I don't care that much to make too much of a fuss about it.


It can be confirmed that none of these sources are tomato flavoured

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