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Destiny Skywalker

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Posts posted by Destiny Skywalker

  1. Sorry to hear about Dangercat, Tank. :( I've struggled with the issue out outliving pets a few times, too. It's hard, but they really do bring so much joy to your lives that it's kind of hard not to sign on for another round even though you know the end is just going to be sad.


    Isis turns 6 in March, and I'm really struggling with it.

  2. My in-law's cat likes boxes, too.


    My dog, however, likes closets. We were wrapping gifts in our room the night we got to the house in Las Vegas, and Isis wanted to be the center of attention so she kept walking across the wrapping paper with her nice, sharp claws. We told her to go away and she obliged. 15 minutes later we were done wrapping and Isis was nowhere to be seen. I'm searching the room for her since the door is shut and as I walk past the closet I notice she's in there, propped up against my laptop bag. We took pictures, and they're on my facebook, but I'll upload them to photobucket when I get home today.


    Isis also wore her Santa hat for about 30 seconds (and pouted the whole time). She also enjoyed her week vacation by chasing tennis balls around the tennis court we had in the backyard of the rental house. She ended up sore and with slightly ripped up pads, though, so we had her take it easy the rest of the week. But she was so funny running around the tennis court chasing balls. We thought she was going to jump the net a few times!

  3. Pixie did that last year, only there was a piece of poop at the end of the tinsel hanging from her butt. She was running frantically away, and whenever she would stop, it would swing into her butt and set her off again. We had quite a time catching her to remove it. And the best part is that we had friends over while this whole thing played out. :lol:

    This is reminding me of the time Isis went to poop in the yard and a slug got on her. Mah Gawd, I thought she was gonna die! That dog is a priss.

  4. Ugh, I'm getting that posted image tag instead of seeing the picture, but yay puppies in snow! I think Ripley's paws will be ok, though. I mean, if you're getting cold or he's obviously cold, definitely bring him in, too. I love watching dogs play in snow.


    Last winter we let Isis play in the snow and she was having a blast. But she had been licking at her pads because she was anxious while we were out of town and developed hot spots... which broke open and bled because she was tearing around the snow so much. :( We felt like bad dog parents. But she has certainly had fun playing in it again this year. She likes to catch snowballs in her mouth. Then she wonders where they went. Special dog.

  5. Nope.


    Although I do have some really hilarious bath pictures from this weekend! Her coat is gorgeous right now. But boy, was she pissed at us. She wanted to "fight" afterward, and Brad had to call a truce because she was getting a little too mean.

  6. Icy, did you hear she has some new books out? Apparently they're books about Diesel, from the holiday series. I don't enjoy the holiday books as much but I'm willing to check it out. I haven't read the romance novels.


    I just finished up Stone of Tears and I just got Blood of the Fold. There was a definite increase in disturbing things in book 2. I'm taking these one at a time instead of fulling dedicating myself to them, because I do hear they get fairly graphic. The guy who told me he couldn't keep reading them is a bit of a prude, but I'm wondering if I'm going to make it! I almost feel dirty reading certain parts.

  7. I bought some 5-lb weights for my new OnDemand/Netflix workout plan, and they've been sitting in the living room when I'm not using them. Last night I wanted to do a workout video and my husband knew that any time spent on the floor would result in black lab kisses and snuffling, so he called her over to the fireplace area to block her from getting to me. She thought he was calling her over to play, so she picked up one of the weights in her mouth and tried to trot over to him with it. Show off. :p

  8. Count me in for another $10.


    So is the "sleep nurse" quieter than chase dreams? Isis has those at least once a week. I'm trying to sleep, dog! Speaking of sleep, she likes to sleep with her head in the closet, preferably with her chin resting on one of my shoes. She doesn't have dreams when she does that. Maybe I need to leave the closet door open again.

  9. Of course she gets treats. But my husband is going to request that they wait until after they do the procedure from now on because she wiggles more when the treat is right on front of her.


    On a positive note, this is the first vet appt ever where we didn't get chastised for her weight. She is a slim 64 lbs! But we did get told her toenails are too long. Maybe if one of us didn't have to sit on her to trim them!

  10. Isis had her annual vet appointment yesterday. I say annual but really, she finds some other way to head to the vet at least once more per year. We had the vet look at a growth on her forehead that we found last month. The vet thinks it's a cyst and drained it a bit, and we have to keep an eye on it and possibly drain it some more in hopes that it goes away (the vet thinks we caught it early enough that it might just do that). The vet said if it needs removed, we'll have to knock her out because it's on her head. :( I'm pretty wary of putting her under, because I've lost dogs that way (granted, they were old dogs, but still). So good thoughts appreciated for it to go away with proper care.


    But ewyuh! It was like popping a zit. Totally gross. I told my husband I'll do the sitting on her and he can do the popping.

  11. I'm in the middle of Terry Goodkind's Wizard's First Rule. Loooong book. I usually read fast, but for whatever reason, I'm not going through this at my usual pace. Not sure if it's because the author's style makes you slow down or what. I'm enjoying it, so it's not a matter of that, either.


    Also at some of your suggestions, I picked up a Neil Gaiman book, or so I thought. It turns out the library has plenty of graphic novels to go 'round! My husband gave me a funny look when he saw me walk out of the library with a comic book. :lol:

  12. She's good at the sad eyes. She almost makes me think we beat her!


    So, speaking of Isis, we found another growth on her, this time on her forehead. Her annual appointment is in September, so I'm thinking of just keeping an eye on this for the next few weeks to see if it gets any bigger. It looks like the same type of growth as the one we found on her hip... mostly fatty tissue. We didn't get that one tested... the vet said if it came back, we should, but she wasn't overly concerned.


    But poor Isis... bad growth or not, it's going to be a hard one to stitch. :(

  13. This weekend we had some work to do in the garage, so we cleared one car out of the garage for workspace and let Isis hang out with us until we started cutting the wood. To keep her out of trouble, and because she kept looking at the SUV because she usually assumes that being in the garage means it's time to get in the car, we opened the back up to let her in. She immediately jumped in and was content. When we had to cut a piece of wood real quick, we closed the back until we were done. Once it was time to carry the wood into the backyard, my husband tried to coax her to come with us. This resulted in her hopping out of the car, seeing we were going into the backyard, and jumping back into the car. Apparently she wanted to for a car ride. She was a little disgruntled with us that we didn't go for a car ride or a trip to the dog park.


    I did get some cute pictures of her hanging out.



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