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Boba Sweat

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Status Replies posted by Boba Sweat

  1. Working my way through Supernatural now. I'm somewhere in the middle of Season 2.

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      good choice!

      really picks up on the second series

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. No Buffy, no Angel...NOW what am I supposed to watch?!?

  3. Watched what may be one of the most calming films of all time.

  4. isn't happy about breaking his foot.

  5. watching Death At A Funeral.... starring every black actor ever.....and the midget out game of thrones, who's creepy with an american accent.

  6. mon the brazil!! (apart from dani alves, he's a prick)

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      now that it's finished... **** brazil. Venezuela desered a win, never mind the draw


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. thanks, dunn, for going out like a ****ing loser. driving drunk.

  8. off to have dirty dreams about Emma Frost.... hubba hubba....

  9. i just had sexand it felt so good

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      next time involve someone else, it's much more fun

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. just saw a picture of the emperor of japan. massively disappointed. he's just a wee japanese guy in a suit.japanese emperors should look like ming the merciless....

  11. **** you american tv companies and yer ****ey schedules

  12. Man Tuesdays are always so nuts.

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      i would imagine man tuesdays would require nuts

  13. has sky again....

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      tv sperates earth from space


      space doesnt have it

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. unpacking may very well be more tedious than packing.....

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      hahahaha. i hadent from mine either... and that was nearly 3 years ago.. and i moved again

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. I don't know what's come over me today, Nightly.

  16. at least the new profile pic is recent...Though I feel identifyable.

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      why are you not covered in bloody fur and entrails?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. "How do you write women so well?" "I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

  18. A person's god is a reflection of themselves; if they are petty and ignorant, so too will be their god. God is made in our image, not vice versa.

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      but given that god was created by man, and without man's belief, god does not exist, isn't it fair to say thay god is indeed created in mans image?

  19. There's a hole in the world like a great black pit,And it's filled with people who are filled with ****.

  20. Only someone from the UK could talk about "whacking off an email" to me without getting a funny look.

  21. Only someone from the UK could talk about "whacking off an email" to me without getting a funny look.

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      try glasgow, where its perfectly natural for a shop assistant to ask a woman if she'd like a poke

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. Just ditched gareth wi jobby. Hahahaha

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      unless you're scottish, and know my mates, it makes no sense

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. Hicks and Gillett can go **** themselves... Welcome NESV

    1. Boba Sweat

      Boba Sweat

      liverpool were bound to win that one, what with all the experience that scousers have in court

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