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Star Trek - Enterprise. Is it good?


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In my opinion it is.  I like Enterprise.  I felt that it should have got 7 seasons.  It got a lot of hate back in the day, but I think it was more due to franchise fatigue. I think if people who hated it back then saw it now, they would then have to largely admit it is better than they remembered.  

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On my last rewatch I too thought it was better than I remembered, but there was also a lot of terrible stuff. Season one starts with them trying to do something different, but they never really commit to it, and by season 2, be it pressure from fans or UPN, it was basically another Star Trek show and felt like more of the same shit we'd had years of by then. The third season saw a shift with a new show-runner that wasn't part of the old guard that had been involved with TNG/DS9/VOY. There was a definite course correction happening, but it was still held back by the fact they had to stay in a prequel continuity and the studio fearing they were drifting from things Trek-ish. 

I kind of see Season three like Revenge of the Sith. You finally start to get to see the stuff you'd been waiting to see, and sometimes it was cool, but sometimes it still blew. Season four finally felt like they were getting it right, but it was too late.

The stuff they do with Andorians and Vulcans is great. Klingon storylines are a mixed bag. When they tried to connect to the TNG era lore while skipping over TOS it felt odd, and when they did tap into TOS lore it was generally to retcon stuff.

Cast wise, it's one of the weaker crews. Their "big 3" of Archer, T'Pol, and Tucker are pretty great. Hoshi and Phlox are fun characters, but rarely get to shine. Merriweather and Reed are probably the two most boring characters ever in Trek. The best character the show offers up is Jeffrey Combs as Shran, an Andorian. He only shows up a couple times a season though. Rumors say he was going to become a regular in season 5, and that would have been great.

So-- short version: it's a mixed bag. If you have the time, rewatch it, but I'm sure there's also a guide out there that lists the essential episode and lets you skip trash one-off episodes.

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My answer is : yes! There are ninety eight (98) episodes of the show. I looked at the list of them on Wikipedia and asked myself a simple yes/no question for each one in turn. “Was that a good episode of Star Trek?” I came back with forty nine (49) yesses. Yeses. Yesi? In any case ... tie goes to the runner. It’s a good show!

Is it worth it? Buddy, I don’t know. Spending any moment of your one beautiful life watching television? I don’t know. What else is there to do? That’s between you and your maker.

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