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Posts posted by monkeygirl

  1. But it's just SO laughable with Biden! I mean, have they MET him?


    'The Republicans are far, far better at branding and staying on message than Democrats, and always have been.'


    This fascinates me! I'd love to see an good analysis of this. Is it the generators, the voters, the messages, a combination or something else entirely? It doesn't seem to matter what the message is-or even if it's true, accurate or makes sense or not. And I wonder if they're better at the game 'telephone' than Democrats are? have I just answered my own question?



    Except Krawlie. Hes an ass, and loves to be pigeonholed. Which is like being cornholed only with a bird.

    Be honest, your read that off of Cards Against Humanity, didn't you?


    When I was younger, I would've been capable of coming up with stuff to make those guys blush.


    Try me

    ARE WE DRINKING THIS WEEKEND? I"m doing my Saudi Arabia show so I have both days open and have satrted PRE drinking b/c friday/pay day

    I play CAH online regularly to pass the time. It's only a problem now that Lyra likes to read over my shoulder.

    you taught her to read?

  3. GAHHHHHH YOU. GUYS! They just put Playstation TV on my roku and even though I have no idea how any of this works yet, I found some killer anime deals on it! ALL the Princess Mononoke versions-a bundle of Ponyo, Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle and PM for $25! And Weathering With You for 14.99!


    I have vodka and kahlua and fireball and an half an ounce of Hindu Kush



    SHOWTIMES: Tonight at 7pm, tomorrow at 5.

  4. I know a girl who claims that her computer was taken over and locked by the government after she dug too much into Operation Paperclip, and that a MIB approached her in a bar when she was telling a friend about what she found and told her to shut up or else.


    The same Operation Paperclip from that one Captain America movie, yes.

    I worked with a guy who told me he 'just waltzed into' the military base that's UNDER Crater Lake (James Bond anyone??) and looked around and that's how he knew he was he one chosen to invite people onto the mothership. I'd known him for years! He was very funny and intelligent and he said these words out loud as if he was telling me they weren't going to sell his favorite beer at Safeway anymore. I wonder what ever happened to him


    It's always been so smegging complicated, I have always made Resse do all my account dicking for me.


    HI LOIS!!! I hope you're down for our next zoom chat, because I may have to drag you in!

    I dunno, I've never Zoom chatted before. I don't have Internet on my computer because I can't afford it, so I just have it on my phone. It's really hard doing anything on this tiny screen. It sucks. I used to at least be able to go to the library to use their computers, but now I can't even do that.


    I use my phone. I put it in from of my computer screen

  6. Hey, does anyone here have extensive knowledge about tax laws, at least at the federal level? I know someone who hasn't done them in a couple years, and have questions about their potential ramifications.

    I haven't done mine in 5 years. Following


    From what I understand, there are set penalties for failing to file, even if they owe you money. You can file extensions forever so they do give you an out, but I stopped doing those after 2 years or so. The first year I filed but it came back to me months later because it was sent to the wrong address (A friend in finance 'helped' me). That got water on it as I dumped a glass and it was my only copy so I hadn't sent it back, but they owed me about $2500 on that one. I tried doing the following year and just am not capable. Then , whatever. I am SURE they owe me for the past 2 years an the other one in the middle-well i just didn't do it. Downside is I never got a stimulus check.


    My PLAN is to just call them ask why they aren't corresponding with me and they owe me and wtf and see how that goes....;-

  7. I've always wondered... and since Goat is a doctor and poop has come up, has anyone else ever weighed themselves right before, then after a poo? For data collecting purposes.

    I have. No change

    if goat joins the next nightly zoom drinking session, we might just have to call that session... the GOAT

    can we spell it GOTE

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