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Posts posted by monkeygirl

  1. We have a local photographer whose work is well-known to us. He just posted a series of shots he took of VH at a local rock station I'd worked for when I first moved to Seattle. I wasn't there that day but the appearance is legend. Eddie had just married Valeria so Darrell (the photographer) sat on these pics all this time because the on air studio became a damn strip club and bar. The band, their entourage and half naked women came carrying racks of beer and bottles of booze and tons of smoke. Radio used to be fun.


  2. I watched it last night. Took me 5 hours. I got some nice hash.


    I'm going to give my opinions before I read anybody else's and there will be spoilers. I took notes. Because hash.



    I LOL ed at the opening credits; a bad drawring of the cool house with someone throwig small buckets of water at it to replicate high surf! AAAHAHAHAHA!

    Look it's Topper!-William Henry Blore. LOVE that name, BLORE

    Dr. Armstrong reminds me of Lieutenant Columbo-he has that Peter Falk squint

    The scene in which the men are watching each other in a circle was brilliant! And I very much liked all the suspicion foreshadowing.

    Mr. Rogers cracked my ASS! He is the love child of Agador Spartacus and the Tootsie Pop commercial's Mr. Owl. "don't be silly, Rogers!" 'Don't be silly yourself, sir!' and the scene in which the men take the key to the shed in which he's staying where he tells them to "SHOVE IT!...under the door"?!

    ALSO: I like a movie that features a KITTY so prominently (I thought for the first 2 murders, the cat had done it) yet admonish them for not crediting said kitty.

    The funniest moment when Dr. Armstrong first mentions the possibility of "MURDER!" and the thunder claps just after, very much a Frau Blucher moment.


    I did not like the end but I rarely like how 40s movies end and at least it was intellectually honest.



  3. 6 hours ago, Zerimar Nyliram said:

    Well, since the last update, it seems the decades-old censor is lifted and F-bomb floodgate has been opened (though I remember seeing a few people get around it somehow prior to the update). It looks like the ban on "shit" was lifted a while back as well. I kind of liked that one, though, because every time someone tried to say, "The EU is ****," I'd say in return, "I'm glad you agree it's four stars!"

    Anyway, I really wanted to discuss your feelings toward profanity in general. Now, despite my squeaky clean image to those who know me from church and other similar circles, I think those people would be scandalized to discover just how potty-mouthed I am. That being the case, I still recoil sometimes when I hear profanity where it just doesn't belong. With TV becoming more liberal, it really doesn't bother me in most situations, depending upon what's on; but the F-bomb does not belong in Star Trek, which makes it so jarring and out of place when I hear it on a show like Picard.

    The same applies with music: it depends on the vibe of the song. Do you remember that song "You're Beautiful" by one-hit wonder James Blunt in the mid-2000s? Well, when I downloaded it on Limewire (in the days before YouTube), I was shocked to learn that the one lyric heard on the radio, "She could see from my face that I was flying high" was actually "She could see from my face that I was fucking high." I'm not a prude, but it just doesn't belong in such an otherwise innocent song! When the profanity is there for sheer shock value rather than following the vibe of that song, it just seems completely out of place. To a lesser extend, even in that song "Bodies" by Tov-Lo, "We fuck for life" seems just a bit too deliberate versus the edited version, "We love for life," which I feel flows much better with the general feel of the song.

    You feel me?

    [Edit] Hey, why are capital letters edited out of thread titles now? I don't like that. It upsets the grammarian in me.

    No. It's up to the songwriter what belongs in his song, IMO


  4. 5 minutes ago, Zerimar Nyliram said:

    Okay, maybe not exactly the same thing, but still along the lines of it. I do distinctly remember him saying, "Oh, so now you're Jack Kennedy" when Ryan was only trying to quote JFK. That was pretty rude, albeit nowhere near the level of Trump's rudeness. Biden is known for doing things like that, and to be honest, I thought this debate would end up being a screaming match between the two of them. It turned out Trump was loud and Biden was more subdued. I guarantee his advisors coached him on it, and it seems to have paid off.

    That is why I still maintain Biden has no room to complain.

    Okay, from that standpoint, you're right

  5. 6 hours ago, Darth Krawlie said:

    I just hope this isn't a fake announcement, where Trump miraculously recovers with no symptoms so he can more easily claim the virus is a hoax and just liberal hysteria.

    Some are saying this and saying he'll 'cure" himself just before November

  6. On 9/30/2020 at 11:01 AM, Zerimar Nyliram said:

    I'm not on either side as I think they are both buffoons, but what Biden's supporters--and Biden himself--seem to forget is that Biden did the exact same thing to Paul Ryan during the 2012 VP debate. Granted, the severity of Trump's tirade was more severe than Biden's, but Biden is known for yammering and has no room to complain. If you ask me, I'd say this is called getting a taste of one's own medicine. I bet that medicine tastes absolutely vile.

    I'm paying attention to what you said: "Biden did THE EXACT SAME THING"-excepting he did not. Trump interrupted more than anybody ever has in a modern Presidential debate. He called childish names more, he lied more and he wanted the last word each time. This is not what Biden did to Paul Ryan in 2012.

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