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Posts posted by CoLA

  1. If anyone plays the vidya games in here! Just got it for the PS5, beautiful game. If you played and liked the first one, this is more of the same, except it has more options for upgrading. Still plugging my way through the story, I can tell it will be a long playthrough!

  2. Even though they've said it's all canon, I'm pretty sure they'll go right ahead and ignore any of the books and comics if there is a character they want to use or story to tell in the shows. There's already been some continuity flubs, like Kanon's Order 66 backstory in Bad Batch not matching what happened in his comic. With SW, I only count the movies and series. The books and comics are "canon" until they're not IMO.

  3. 16 hours ago, The Choc said:

    Its not about knowing more about Bane, here is the issue. Someone brought up Vader vs Obi Wan in ANH and being between 2 characters who hadn't previously met. Its a totally different situation though. The OT isn't about Obi Wan-Vader, its about Luke-Vader. Having Vader kill Obi Wan is about setting up Vader as a villain and creating personal stakes between Vader and Luke so that when they finally come face to face at the end of the next movie it matters. By the time they face each other in ESB Vader has sent troopers to Tatooine who killed Luke's aunt and uncle. He killed Ben in front of Luke. He tried to shoot Luke out of the sky at the Death Star. He captured and tortured Luke's 2 best friend and froze one in carbonite. Its not just Vader is bad, Luke is good so they fight. Its personal between the two. Thats why it is great.

    Now Im not expecting BOBF to be "Empire" but here is the problem: there is zero personal between Fett and Bane. Their showdown is the climax of the whole damn show. All Bane did on this show is shoot Vanth and have 1 parlay scene with Fett and Mando. Fett doesn't even know Vanth. If you only watched lived action there would be zero personal stakes between Fett and Bane. This is basically a complete failure of storytelling. What story culminates with a face off between the hero and villain when the 2 characters have nothing to do with each other?

    I can't possibly believe Filoni and Favreau don't realize this so I have to figure that they are relying on the past history of Bane and Fett from The Clone Wars cartoon to provide those personal stakes between the two. Which even in that cartoon is fairly light but at least it shows they worked together. 

    There wasn't a lot of Fett/Bane even in CW. In fact, I don't think they were even shown working together! There were some episodes with Fett hanging with Aurra Sing and Bossk when he was starting out. I think all the Fett/Bane stuff is from books and comics.

    I think it's because the SW shows are like the Marvel ones now. At some point, I'm sure Kate Bishop will appear in a movie and fans will be excited to see her. Obviously you would have to watch Hawkeye for her introduction, otherwise she's just another random hero showing up. Same with Sylvie and Kang from Loki.

    Since all the movies, shows, books and comics going forward are now supposed to be canon, this kind of thing is going to come up. I've read plenty of comics so I'm used to random characters showing up from other titles. Now we're getting this with the movies and shows. I know I wasn't happy to hear Ventress was killed off in a book, I'd rather she appear in a series or movie instead since I'm not really into the books.

    We just need to accept that all of this is integrated and if you want the whole story, you gotta keep up with it all. And if you don't, there's always Google and Wookiepedia!

  4. 12 hours ago, Tank said:

    DOFP and Deadpool added time travel to the X-films, and that’s adjacent to the multiverse. Logan is ostensibly a different universe than the rest of the X-films. Now that you have the other Spider-mens showing up, the door is open. Patrick Stewart is so synonymous with the part. They could have him in there as an alter and it could be nothing more than that.

    all that said, I agree with you

    Maybe they'll pull another Boehner!

  5. 1 hour ago, Lord Darth Hunter said:


    If I hadn't watched the previous material regarding Bane, his appearance in TBOBF would've been a huge letdown. Having watched TCW, Rebels and all the other stuff that he's appeared in prior to this show, at least now I had a sense of the meaning behind this final showdown between these two characters. I could see this being a satisfactory end for Bane. Had I never seen any of the other stuff and this was my first introduction to Bane, it would've been a huge disappointment to have seen this new badass villain introduced only to get killed an episode later. Ironically, you could say Bane followed in the path of the guy whose show he was in. Isn't that what fans griped about Boba Fett for years? Badass villain has a kick ass introduction only to do nothing and get dispatched easily in the next episode.  

    I would disagree because Boba really didn't have a badass intro! He just..looked cool, I guess? But then he gets his bounty hand delivered to him and later gets killed by the same bounty in an accident the next movie. :P

    To me, Bane is just another generic villain. He's been seen a bunch of times and tangled with the heroes over the decades but there really isn't anything to him. In CW, he's introduced and there is some mention of his reputation but that's it. The presentation is just for the CW fans. It's like a certain character showing up in Spider-Man: NWH. If you haven't seen previous related material, the reaction will be "It's just some guy." And I mean, that's fine. The appearance is for the diehard fans, not the casuals.

  6. 12 hours ago, Dark Wader said:

    Yeah which is what I mean, for Cad you don’t need to know the backstory for it to work and if they played it better, wouldn’t feel like a shoe horned in cameo.

    I think they’ve crossed the line now though by making this show mandatory viewing for Mando season 3. They hadn’t, nor Marvel have really gone this far imo. 

    Yeah, I think it's dumb they tied some big plot points from Mando to this. I mean, I thought those were the best episodes but if you're making a Boba Fett show, make it all about him!

  7. 12 hours ago, Tank said:

    It’s all about the presentation and context. Bane was put over as an instavillain by taking down Cobb.

    Well yeah but he was introduced as just a villain in CW. I mean, he is very much a what you see is what you get type of character. Watching CW wouldn't give you anything more about him. I just don't see anything being added about him by watching the animated show before BOBF. We know Bane and Boba knew each other already but we've seen this in SW before.

     Plus! Comics do the "new villain beats hero easily/beats or kills old villain" all the time as a way to establish they're a bigger threat. Movies and cartoons do it, too but probably not as much as comics do. Kind of like horror movies killing off survivors in the next installment to give the sense no one is safe.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Tank said:



    Here's the difference I think.

    In the OT they absolutely jumped the audience into a full worlds and things were talked about as if they were a given. But we would hear about these things, not see them.

    Han talks about Jabba, and ignoring the SE insert, we don't see the guy for two movies later.

    Obi-Wan talks about Anakin and the Clone Wars, and Anakin pays off in the next movie, and the Clone Wars not until the PT.

    Han tells Leia he and Lando go "way back", and the Cloud Cars fire shots at them prompting Chewie to say something that Han replies to telling us they have a rocky past, THEN we meet Lando.

    In almost every case of world building in the OT, we hear little tidbits well before actually meeting the person. Cad Bane's appearance was done in reverse. He shows up with this gravitas and is shot in a way that makes it seems as though we should know who he is and be afraid. It worked for me because I had seen the cartoons, but if I had never seen him the way he appeared would have felt off. When he and Boba talk on their past while throwing down.. that would be like getting all of Vader's dialog to Luke in ESB without ever hearing that Vader killed Luke's father.

    All that said, the intent behind t Bane's appearance is still designed to do something. It's designed to make you think 'Oh this guy is important, but I don't know who he is... GUESS I BETTER GO CONSUME MORE SW CONTENT SO I AM IN THE KNOW. That's clearly their intent- people who know, know, those who don't, are now compelled to go find out. It's a strategy for sure-- but it's one driven by marketing and not storytelling... which admittedly, Star Wars has never been afraid to do... and it's always where it goes wrong.

    The other place Star Wars always goes wrong is that the worst special effect in any given SW entry is a person riding a beast of some sort. And that still holds true.

    But you don't need to know much about Bane beyond what you get in this series. Even Clone Wars never gives you any backstory about him, he's just a bounty hunter that shows up and tangles with the heroes.

    I mean, you don't learn that much about Obi-Wan and Vader in ANH other than they knew each other before. Boba was supposed to be a badass yet never does anything badass in the movies! :P

    We just hear it second hand and are expected to accept that events occurred involving them before the chapter we are watching. Watching CW isn't going to give you anything about Bane than a familiarity with the character.

  9. 18 hours ago, The Choc said:

    I dunno, at the end of BOBF when he has his standoff with Boba they talk about their past. This is like the climactic moment of the show and its between 2 characters who haven't met on the show for more than one other scene till this point. It certainly seems to assume knowledge of what has transpired between the 2 prior to this showdown for maximum affect 

    So like Obi-Wan and Vader in ANH? :P

    I think some are making too much out of this, you don't need to know much about Cad Bane other than he is a bad dude working for bad dudes. It's just like when we first saw Boba in ESB, we only knew he was a bounty hunter and he sometimes disintegrated people. I've seen all of the CW show and there really isn't much more to know about Bane other than he and Fett knew each other before.

     Same with Ahsoka, if you know her backstory, cool! If you don't, you just know she was a Jedi who knew Anakin before.

  10. 1 hour ago, Zathras said:

    It seems to me that the idea of separate Star Wars shows has gone out the window. It looks to me that they are just going to crossover everything.  I am not a fan of this.  I like connections, but I don't like the idea of each show having to be watched to understand what is going on in another show.   They are taking for granted if you watch Mando, you are also going to watch Boba Fett, Ahsoka, and whatever else, and it just essentially becomes one big show, instead of individual and separate shows.

    So the Marvel method!

  11. 8 hours ago, Lord Darth Hunter said:


    I was wondering this while watching the final episode. Is it that I'm getting old and therefore think how stupid some of these things are or would I still think the same if I were young? I hate when characters do things that make no sense and are clearly just written that way for action sequences. 

    For example, when Fett and Din surprised the Pykes by bursting out of the ruins of the club shooting the Pykes down from the air, they clearly had the advantage (the high ground :D) but then decided to come down and continue the shootout on the ground. Why not stay in the air? Why not fly to a safer position to keep fighting? No, let's land right in the middle of the square that the Pykes already have surrounded and try to shoot them as they come at us from all directions. And then once the Pykes got the upper hand and began overwhelming Fett and Din, they forgot they have jetpacks because of course they did.  

    I was annoyed they kept having a conversation while the big droid is like RIGHT THERE trying to kill them LOL.

  12. There is some more sex stuff in the later seasons, I know she gets with some dude in a bar for a quickie. That might be season 2? There's a couple other love interests, too but I won't say more.

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