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Posts posted by Tank

  1. Someone could say that about those who bitched about the Prequels--meaning if by Attack of the Clones, one found a universe of fail about the prequels, yet they hung around for Revenge of the Sith, when all signs pointed to the potential of that third movie (ultimately) disappointing the same critical fans?


    I think they--as in the case of DW fans (perhaps like Gman) wanted to see if improvement was on the horizon of an often bumpy course. At least this kind of fan did not completely write off the entire NuWho* series from the start, but still bitched.


    Sorry, but THREE films versus over 60 episodes is hardly the same thing.


    The B.O.--in this day and age is not all that stellar, and when I say talk, I mean in the 80s, even non-Trek fans found interest in some of the films, or in the idea of the familiar cast "back in action." With J.J.Trek, its not exactly carving its own, larger-than-life path into the pop culture landscape.


    Yeah, exactly., The 80s. Like I said-- Wrath of Khan through Voyage home, and TNG in its inception seemed to hit mass culture, but it died off in the 90s and through the 21st century. The ONLY people watching Trek were Trek-fans. Your complaint is based on the fact that you think JJ's trek was dumb, and ignored what REAL trek fans wanted to see. I wouldn't disagree, but my point is things have to evolve from their original fan base, otherwise they get stale. You seriously think that Dr. Who, as it was in the 80's or earlier would last for a second in this days market/ Amongst the hardcore fans sure-- but not as a genuine hit.


    And we can talk all we want about quality, versus box office, or market share or ratings-- but the fact of the matter is NOTHING is made in the entertainment industry if somebody doesn't think a profit can be made from it. That's just how it goes. So your choices are stale old star trek and that's it for ever, or a chance for the franchise to grow and get good again because somebody did something different.


    We're getting off my original point, was that I thought Gman's hate for the End of Time went beyond that of just disliking the episode, to practically wishing death on the man who brought the franchise back from the dead to start with. If Gman had been in here every week, in and out, complaining about the show at least that would seem consistent. But he hasn't. he's lauded it more than once. Whether RTD wrote the episode fully or not, he is still the show runner and had a hand in the sotry of every single episode that has been made.

  2. I assume most fans decided to watch NuWho to give it a chance--to see if the DW concept could take root again with the same attention to story and general intelligence of the original, but in giving it a chance, in comes the endless quirks of RTD's handling of the series (Mary Sue plots galore, the need to remind everyone of his atheist views through various characters, etc.), which makes NuWho more about other influences rather than scripting genuine Doctor Who tales.


    There's room to doubt Gman wishes to live in DW's past, but in watching something that purports to be the natural continuation of classic DW, yet missed the mark on several occasions, can you really blame Gman (or any other fan) for complaining? This is--after all--the very reaction shared by many a fan to Enterprise, and as you already pointed out, the Star Wars prequels.


    WELL, yeah, I can. Cause the who has been on for five years. What you're saying would be completely legit if we were talking about a movie, or the first season. But this show has been on for five years-- if you haven't figured out by then that it isn't your cup of tea you're just looking for something to bitch about.


    Who actually talks about the film at all?


    Considering its box office take and the fact it was the top DVD/rental sale of the holiday season, which is something Trek hasn't done since The Voyage Home, I'd say quite a few people.

  3. Then why watch it?


    I mean I get it. I still went and saw Return of Sith after hating the first two prequels, and I bash Lucas constantly despite him creating the OT.


    I guess my point those were movies. One time things. This show has been on for five years now. If it bothers you that much, quit watching it.


    More so, it's this attitude that change is bad. Sure, JJ's Trek is full of plot holes and problems, but it was FUN, EXCITING, SEXY and amusing-- things that Trek hasn't been in two decades and without it the franchise would be dead.


    The old classic shows are still there. They aren't being ruined. You can go watch them right now and they will be the same they've always been.


    I kinda blew up on Primbud complaining about the forum software change for the same reason. I'm tired of people who liked thing the OLD WAY pissing and moaning cause somebody DARED to change it, nevermind the extreme minority they are living in.

  4. io9.com has a great write up on why it COULD be THE Rassilon.


    When it comes down to it, we're talking about a family friendly show that deals with a 40+YEAR continuity and is actively about alternate timelines/dimensions, super science, regenerations and was never hard and fast with its canonicty or continuity to begin with. To find little things to freak out about is pointless.


    I still think you're looking to be mad Gman. You're acting like RTD creeped in your window last night and sodomized you or something. Without him, there would be no Dr. Who right now. And while he has his faults, there's the fact that for the most part the revival of the series has been phenomenal under his guidance.

  5. Thanks for the link Gman, but damn I think your hate is running HIGH. I can see your complainst for the first half, but nothing in this second half struck me as all that bad. Seemed very WHO to me.


    random thoughts:

    • RTD watched Star Wars recently!

    • the woman time lord that visited Wilf-- either the Doctor's mother, or Donna... maybe both

    • we never saw the master die

    • I feel sorry for anyone RTD has ever broken up with. he probably sends them 342345 goodbye notes.


    As for Matt Smith-- I'm certainly willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm one of those people that always likes the incumbent Doctor. I was way bitter about Eccelson and wanted to hate Tennant, once they stopped writing him the same he quickly became my favorite. It is interesting though that regenerations tend to keep getting younger.

  6. Yeah, I will relent that this is a fault of RTD.






    okay NOW he is did for finale for reals forever.




    The Master, The Daleks, The Cybermen, the Timelords, Rose-- all supposedly DONE FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT.... UNTIL NEXT SEASON.


    The Master has died and come back so many times if you include the orignaal Who-run it's almost comedic. Should the Doctor REALLY be shocked when he comes back again?

  7. They still have the second part to explain what is up with the Master, so I am withholding judgement there.


    The shimmer aliens seem pointless.


    The only thing that really seems stupid to me, is the resurrection scene. That was pure nonsense. This cult is trying to bring him back to life-- but they think he is John Saxon. So... a cult over a politician? And his wife, who's been in prison, turns to a turncoat amongst them she just met, and has an OMG ANTI-POTION!


    That was the only part that really stupefied me and made no sense, and could have been better written.


    Everything else seems pretty standard Who-fare to me.http://forums.nightly.net/index.php?showtopic=28677&st=1160

  8. I hate to say it, but The Office is sort of becoming like Star Wars. I watch it for old times sake, but I feel like I have to sit through a lot of crap, for fleeting moments of awesome, and I ultimately think that the goo dparts could be edited down into something a lot more concise and decent.

  9. A riot had been incited, through her fault, but she wasn't sure how exactly. She'd only asked for a coat hanger-- a standard query from one who'd locked their keys in their car. What she wasn't aware of, was where her car was parked, and what sort of office she'd walked into to make her request. The abortion clinic would have preferred she'd called AAA.

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