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Status Updates posted by Foxglove

  1. Kitty Kitty Meow WOW

  2. When internet guys ask for a picture of my tits, I ask for a picture of their credit score.

    1. Darth Krawlie

      Darth Krawlie

      oh sweet this is so totally a win for me

    2. Baalzamon


      You show me yours, I show you mine? :}

  3. Thanks for making me think of TR's dick. I could have gone my whole life without that. LOL

  4. How long has it been since you've turned on IM? 5 years?

  5. I'm in a bad mood this morning. Probably not a good time to have a keyboard in hand/

  6. I drove all niiiiiight to get to you.

  7. I wish I could stop mentally picturing people I know having sex. It's like a sickness or something.

    1. Darth Krawlie

      Darth Krawlie

      hahaha, I do that when I'm mad at someone, then I just start laughing at the thought so much I can't stay mad

  8. Why can't I ever find the GD search button when I need it?

  9. Can't stop listening to Giles and Tara sing "We can work it out."

  10. I love your new signature!

  11. Just checking to see how your writing is going. :)

  12. So you have the same birthday as Chatham, huh? Interesting.

  13. 4 ... 3 ... 2 ...

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