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Posts posted by Rock

  1. Just got back from Walmart a few hours ago and I'm down another 2 pants sizes! Got great fitting jeans and very affordable. It's super cool to walk into a retail store and find clothes that fit - no more CASUAL BIG & TALL for me. The only down part was that today I'm so super sick. Threw up a bunch. But I was so happy to buy regular fitting clothes that I tried to put it out of my mind.

  2. ...but yeah, I was always apprehensive meeting anyone from here because of how ashamed I was.


    I kinda wondered about that, circa 2007.

    Yeah, I'm so, sincerely sorry that I didn't make an effort to meet you or Anne. However I do plan on making a MEET NIGHTLY TOUR OF THE US within the next few years and would love to put you two up at the top part of my list.

  3. I'm not certain if that was 100% the reason, bro, but I'm sure it played a huge factor in it. Money and a bad back have been problems off and on so that could have contributed to it, but yeah, I was always apprehensive meeting anyone from here because of how ashamed I was.


    And thanks again, guys. You have no idea what your support means to me, especially today. Yesterday and today have been horrible sickness wise (vomiting dry heaves, nauseated all day with no relief) and I'm totally bummed out that not only am I not getting better, I'm getting worse. I am going out of town this weekend, so I'm hoping a change of scenery and friendly faces will do me some good.

  4. You're right, but it's just depressing to see how bad I let myself get. I wasted so much of precious time being so unhappy. Of course I know it's all about the present/future, but I still feel bad about it. Plus I've had a few rough miserable days with my health so seeing this picture really hammered it home how bad I ****ed myself up and I deserve whatever happens to me.

  5. That's the thing - it's just a tool, not some miracle cure. You have to want to make the change in your life or the surgery is a waste. Like I said in an earlier post, you can find ways around losing weight post-op, like drinking sweet tea or eating fatty or sugary foods. Most people have to see a shrink before the surgery to get their dome straight. Gives people the best chance to succeed. I saw a shrink for 4 visits prior to mine. She wants me to come back, but I don't really like her. B*tch interrupts me and her apartment is all creepy.


    Anyway, good on ya, Ericka. Keep kicking ass and I'm jealous of your tight skin. Mine is already bunching up.

  6. Yes, but it's probably going to require some sort of food log, calorie counter, or seeing a nutritionist. From everything I've seen you post on Facebook and here, it sounds like you are definitely making better food choices but it's a good idea to make yourself fully accountable. Cooking for yourself will help. Maybe invest in a food scale to help with portion size? Even a weight loss support group? Does the hospital offer one of those?

    I'm making great choices. There was one night I didn't, and I instantly came clean with my family and friends to hold myself accountable. The portion sizes aren't an issue lol... the surgery saw to that! My actual stomach pouch is a tiny bit less than the size of a Hotwheels car and that's not an exaggeration or embellishment. I eat 6-8 times a day, very small portions. And I'm picking foods low in fat, have protein, no sugar, no starch carbs (except veggy-carbs)


    There is a support group, but it's really difficult to find time for it. The meetings are during my work hours and I can't **** around too much with changing them up because I have sooooooooooo many doctor's appointments that take up any time I have aroudn working hours. I mean, primary care doc, cardiologist, weight loss doc (with nutritionist), pain management doc, weekly chiropractor, orthopedic doctor/surgeon and GI doctor. And those are like regular appointments.



    I know you have a bad back or knee, does that rule exercise out even now that you've dropped so much?

    It's a very bad back. Herniated disc that decides to pop in and out when it feels like it. It makes it VERY difficult to exercise....I was hoping that with the 110lbs drop it would feel better, but it's right now at this moment killing me. I'm going to need fusion surgery, but the surgeon wouldn't do it when I was so heavy. Now that I've lost weight, we're going to re-visit it. Got an appointment in 2 weeks.

  7. Some people need to keep their mouths shut and not criticize other people's problems.

    That's exactly right. The insane part is they are criticizing her for coming up with a solution/attack plan! How crazy is that, to criticize someone for making an effort to improve themselves??? I deserved every single bit of criticism for not taking care of myself for years, wish I had more, actually. Criticize me all day long for that, for allowing myself to get to that point, but leave us alone for friggin trying.


    Sincerely, thanks guys. Your support means everything to me, you have no idea.

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