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Posts posted by Rock

  1. That's what I get for benching Fitz in favor of Tate. But honestly, After two weeks of nothing, I can't think of what else to do...

    I'm in the same boat with CJ. WTF do I do? I know the first game I bench him, he'll run hog wild.


    Luckily Austin had a piss-poor week. Looked much closer the first half of the Denver game, but Peyton had a great second half. Plus Denver lost, so win-win!

  2. Solid, if uneven, first game. I guess I shouldn't have doubted AD, no matter what the "experts" told me. Don't feel too bad about that one, though, especially since going 3-wide paid off.

    You can't feel bad about that, sir. Dude is a beast and now a medical miracle. That's gonna raise the bar for everyone else who decides to turn their knee into a pretzel.


    I went from 6 leagues to 2 in hopes to focus all my attention to the Heels. But I can't feel horrible... with CJ0.8K and Vinny Jax combining for a blockbuster 8 pts, my team still wound up 4th in scoring. Need to step it up this week. Cam and RG3 are nearly identical and look what the latter did to NO? Eric, there's no shame in siting Cam this week. He needs his rest, yo.

  3. Ok guys. The REAL commish's are Irish and Co-Commish UKLK. Garr, Eric and I help out, but the desicions need to be made them. No need for us to argue. Let's let them handle this snafu and we'll abide by what they say. We'll work out all the details in the off season.

  4. With that in mind I am inclined to allow the other owners to finish out their developmental squads with four players, to be taken care of in free agency on a first come, first served basis. .

    I woudl hope this woudl be the course of action, as me and other owners spend 3-4 of our regular draft picks on rookies knowing they would be placed in the rookie keepers squad
  5. I don't see why we can't do FA's and continue the roookie draft? Maybe make a temp rule that nobody can pickup rookies until the draft, but everyone is fair game?


    Also, I wish you two wouldn't stress on it. You have worked really, really hard on this. It was all thrown together really quickly, so there were bound to be a few kinks, but on the whole, well done. We'll have lots to discuss in the off season to iron out the wrinkles, but you two have laid down really good ground work. So I would advise a lil give and take on random issues now, knowing it'll all be worked out.


    * * *


    Which brings me to a proposal that I was talking to Eric about a week or so again. We always talk about "it'll be done in the off season" but never gets done because nobody knows when the hell the off season really is. We all get scattered around and such that there is only like one or two owners ready to talk.


    The proposal is for us to have an official Post-Season Wrap-up, which would take place the day after the UBERBOWL and will last exactly 4 weeks, during which ALL issues will be discussed... resolutions, additions, & amendments will be nomniated and voted on. It would be mandatory attendance by all 12 owners. This way it's all done and over with.



  6. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    None, dude. It's all new, kinda thrown together at the last moment. There's gonna be a lil chaos while the kinks and details are being worked out, so don't worry, dude. Next season will be a lot smoother.


    Like LOHR-EO Cookie said earlier, we need more off-season participation from ALL owners to actually get sh*t done. That way we'll all be on the same page. But we have a few peeps like Austin and Superdragon who kinda go AWOL in the off season, so it makes it hard to get everyone's input and even harder to get votes to pass things.

  7. Repeated because it seems like it got ignored by everyone not named Skiff Dickmon:


    Let's say the rookie draft will kick-off at 6pm Friday. That means your practice squad players must be declared by Thursday at 10pm.


    Rookie draft will be concluded once everyone has their 4 practice squad slots filled, or they've passed on their picks.


    Free Agency will begin at a time to be determined upon the completion of the rookie draft. Maybe 8am Monday?


    That's the course of action I'm going with, if you don't adhere to it and no one takes LM powers from me in the mean time, sorry bout ya.


    That sounds like the schedule we need. I wonder how long the rookie draft will take?

  8. Interesting. So technically I can have 4 keepers on here and have rookies on my roster and they are also eligible rookie keepers? FOr instance, I have AC Greene on my roster because I'm not sure how VinnyJax will do this year. But let's say he does awesome and I never need AC, at the end of the season can I drop one of my rookies on here and add AC back on?

  9. Yes, a commish can edit a lineup before a game, during a game and after a game. I would suggest making a post in the main NFF thread for it to be fixed. That way it also lets the blunderer know that they f'ed up and to not do it again. Judging on how things have gone so far, I have a strong feeling that the over/under for owners making this mistake will be 3.5.

  10. Exactly, Ash. I kept AC Greene as my rookie keeper, but I want him to play this year so I left him on my roster. If I wanted to, I could have listed him here and he would retain rookie status for up to 2 additional years.

  11. In short, Ex, if you have drafted rookies during our regular draft we just had (or if you had a rookie keeper from last season) list them here. If you didn't, there will be a seperate Rookie Draft and that's when you can get your guys.

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