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Posts posted by monkeygirl

  1. So, during a routine physical my doctor found I now have A-Fib. He said the good news is that it's probably medication related and suggested a procedure called a cardioversion in which they restart the heart.

    I had the procedure yesterday and it didn't work. I don't yet know what my options are. They gave me propofol and I see why Michael Jackson liked it so much, although it made for a mentally and physically fuzzy evening. I remember the anesthesiologist saying "this might feel spicy in your IV" then they were waking me up.

    It's getting so every time I go to the damn doctor he finds something significant.

    Aging isn't for sissies.


    What's wrong with you?

  2. On 9/25/2020 at 12:30 PM, Zathras said:

    I had this bizarre dream the other night.  I was driving and had to take a leak.  So I stop off at a store to use the public restroom, and as soon as I step inside, it is a rave inside a warehouse at night.  Glow sticks black lights all kinds of people dancing, etc.   So I go to the bar and ask where the restroom is, and I am pointed to a corridor  with a long, narrow bunker looking hallway that is poorly lit, with alcoves, with various people standing around and talking in a  language I couldn't understand. 

    I come to double doors that look like bank vault doors and they open as I touch them.  As I walk through the doors, they turn into those small wood doors you see in old cowboy saloons.  The next thing I know, I am in a large country-western night club.  I look over to the dance floor, and it is penned in with chicken wire, with a bunch of women in bikinis, cowboy hats and chaps line dancing.  I notice I really have to piss now, and I am urgently looking for a bathroom, and spot one.  It looks exactly like the public restroom of a Mexican restaurant I used to go to when I was a kid, except it seemed to go on forever.  The walls and floor were Spanish tile, and all the porcelain was red.  Each stall had doors  but they were all closed and occupied. 

    So I leave, still having to piss really bad, and go to the opposite side  of the country bar, and walk into what looks like a stable.   I walk into one stable that has old boards as partitions and open it up one particular stall. The stall was huge, like you could fit 2 elephants in it.  It has an empty toilet in one corner with sawdust and hay all over the place.  In the other corner is some cowboy practicing his lasso.  I tell him he needs to leave so I can piss, but he says there's enough room and besides, he has to practice his rodeo skills because he is up next on stage.  I say fine because I have to piss really bad, and go to the toilet and go, with the cowboy totally oblivious to me pissing.  Then I woke up.

    Did you have to pee when you woke up?


  3. A guy my good friend is married to has Omicron and is going about his (busy) business as usual. My friend is re-assessing her marriage to a man who "can't be bothered to not go out to a restaurant and compromise his lifestyle to maybe save someone's health". I can't imagine.


  4. would be good to watch with a 12 year-old female who loves and says she laughs at horror films.

    She'll be among Christmas guests at my friend's house on Saturday

    I just watched Rare Exports:A Christmas Tale but I think it moves too slowly and it's in Finnish.

    I was thinking of Let The Right One In? I can't narrow it down and don't know enough about the kid.

    I'll have access to amazon prime, netflix and apple tv.


    Katrina, Seth, anyone?


  5. It just takes one great experience for me to be a brand loyalist. I'd buy a Toyota but I'm Honda for life, really. I had three great Honda experiences.

    Food, I just go with what I find tasty. I can't be loyal to perishables. That said, I shun certain places and brands because of their politics (Chik Fil A, Barilla)

    I'm all about Lancome and l'occitane skin stuff. They are superior if pricey brands.

    I do i-phones because I've done them since cell phones started, but I don't really like the experience overall. I'm not down with learning all over with an android.

    I hope to never have to buy a bra that isn't a Glamorise-they are MAGIC! Charles and Mambo can see straight ahead and look like they did when I was 35 again.

    Unfortunately, I require an underwire so I do have to deal with the digging metal eventually but if I can buy 2 bras each year, I'm in good shape




  6. EVERY traffic report I did today was wrong. EVERY. TIME. I did a report on a backup that had no apparent cause, we'd get the info on the accident that caused it. Once a report is sent, I can't fix it or recall it. Then listeners have to wait another 20-30 minutes to hear the update. Today's timing was hilariously off for every report. People in the Puget Sound area are cursing my name today and I want to eat worms.

  7. I wish I were more like you, whatever it is that allows you to process death so cleanly.

    My mom has a rare cancer and is opting not to treat it and I am falling apart. And I'm an only child so I can't afford to feel this just yet. I'm barely getting better about my Dad's death four years ago


  8. On 7/2/2021 at 1:32 PM, Fozzie said:

    I haven't watched it, but I think you mean Hulu. Roku is basically a device/operating system that allows you to stream from various providers.

    Roku is also a channel.


  9. We're in big fire danger here so I was dreading the weekend but it was tame! A few big blasts on Saturday, then a number of celebrations on Sunday night but it didn't sound like a war zone and it did not last all weekend. Pleasantly surprised. And all our big shows were canceled


  10. sorry-on hulu :(.

    It's in the fashion of The Leftovers in that something supernatural happens but we never discover what that is-we just see the reactions of the various people to it. I like it as much as the Leftovers but with only 12 shows to compare, I can't say it's just as good. It never gets 'going' as much as The Leftovers did. I feel like I was just starting to  get used to the characters.



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