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Posts posted by Zathras

  1. I agree the divorced/deadbeat dad trope is over-used. As is the idiot sitcom dad (a la Homer Simpson,Family Guy, Modern Family, etc). But, please explain why Han, Indy, and Superman are deadbeat dads. I am seriously confused.


    As I remember, Han took care of Ben Solo, until he started to become a dark sider. Han (and Leia) was not equipped to deal with that, so Ben was sent to Luke to train as a jedi. It failed, and Ben became Kylo of course, but it was not for a lack of trying. Han gave his life to try to bring Kylo back to the light. Can't get more sacrificial than that.


    Did Indy even know he had a son until Crystal Skull? Once he knew, he seemed to try to be a good dad.


    As for Superman, is this a reference to Superman Returns? If so, he was in space for 5 years and didn't even know he had a kid. Once he came back, he did his best to be there for the kid, but Superman realized he couldn't be both a superhero and a father, without risk to his family.


    Yeah-- that was never confirmed.


    Him having a tube full of Snoke parts doesn't help though.

    Were John Hammond's grandkids clones? They had dinos in glass tubes in JP2.


    Lol. Seriously though that Palpy had a life on Naboo is an easier story to swallow.


    Maisie Lockwood, granddaughter of Benjamin Lockwood and partner of John Hammond from Jurassic World 2, actually was a clone. :p

  3. Wouldn't she be like 80 or something? I've never watched a single Star Wars cartoon since Droids, but she's a prequel era character right? Why would you expect her to still be alive? I've seen this sentiment a lot so I'm just confused by it.

    I didn't expect her to be alive, really, but then again I didn't think much about it either way and hearing her blindsided me. It is a confirmation of her death, which is worth mentioning, though. I just wanted to see if anyone else picked up on that and was thinking the same.

  4. Just saw it a couple hours ago. Still digesting. Initial thoughts are that this is a decent if not a satisfying closing for the ST, maybe less so for the entire Skywalker saga. A lot of problems people here have cited are my problems as well. However, definitely much better than TLJ, maybe about equal to TFA. I'd say that the critics who are trashing it are wrong. It ties up most of the stories introduced in the last 2 films (your satisfaction with the explanations can vary), though it is definitely a JJ Abrams film in that it is pretty to look at, but thin on backstory, and you kind of have to turn off your brain to watch it. Excusable considering Carrie FIsher died and this really should have been one person's vision. Good use of Luke. Good use of Han (being imaginary). I expected more Leia footage the way LFL was talking about using cut footage, but clever how they blended her scenes in with living cast members. Kind of falls apart by the final act, with landing craft of horse-things, and the Emperor being way, way too powerful, and not knowing if he wants to kill Rey, or to have Rey kill him


    Overall, I liked it, though. That said, the more I think about it, the more I may find issues, and I am not sure how it will hold up when it comes to multiple viewings. JJ films are good once or twice, but the more you see his stuff, the less you end up liking it. Oh, and I could swear I heard Kanaan Jarus and Ahsoka Tano at the end speaking to Rey. Tell me that doesn't mean Ahsoka is dead at this point.


    You don't have to even go back to westerns or pre-Buffy. The first couple seasons of The Clone Wars was a bunch of micro stories strung together like the Mandalorian is now. It took Rebels a season or two to get off the ground, as well.

    The reason I'm going back to Westerns is because that's what this show is.


    I understand your point. It's a space western in the same way Firefly was. My point is that Mandalorian is being written in much the same way the CGI shows were, and this season they are just establishing the universe. The nuance some are saying they are missing will come in time. That's how Filoni does it.

  6. You don't have to even go back to westerns or pre-Buffy. The first couple seasons of The Clone Wars was a bunch of micro stories strung together like the Mandalorian is now. It took Rebels a season or two to get off the ground, as well.

  7. Enjoying it so far, and not a complaint, but this show is becoming different than what I went in expecting. Started off as Clint Eastwood like, and morally ambivalent anti-hero. Mando is now a straight up hero at this point. I thought we were getting more of a Good, Bad, and Ugly Star Wars show, but now it seems we basically have the recycled ideas of a Boba Fett movie and a Yoda movie combined into this show, just with the names changed. It would not surprise me if it turns out that Fett is the one tracking Mando.

  8. Not to mean disrespect, but you're overthinking this all. It's turn-off-your-brain-and-enjoy Star Wars, not some cerebral, thought provoking hard science fiction show. You can nitpick all you like I guess, but you have to remember Star Wars is more or less a collection of tropes and homages to other films, and plot holes if you think too deeply. Always has been, right down to ANH.

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