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Posts posted by ShadowDog

  1. Here are the results!


    Heat #1 Book Scramble (Each correct title is worth 10 points.)


    The Correct Answers:


    1. aleuvrnidueeehebnonshykftTrfcr is The adventures of huckleberry finn.

    2. nitohTshaire is The historian.

    3. anetneuehbodekepafddrTecslhvt is The adventure of the speckled band.

    4. crelTesrtalehett is The scarlet letter.

    5. cwfTdaehetllolhi is The call of the wild.

    6. ayenayhTurwjru is The runaway jury.

    7. rAtmdasyc:aevoMltroSatobenhorHeu is MASH: a novel about three army doctors.

    8. snTiihheng is The shining.

    9. dcbiMkyo is Moby dick.

    10. edaedThzone is The dead zone.


    Heat 1 Points:

    JRB88 10 (100 points)

    Darth Virul 10 (100)

    Copper 10 (100)

    bonnie13 10 (100)

    Kung Fu Jawa 9 (90)

    LadyGuinevere 9 (90)

    Green Light Baby 8 (80)

    eye_of_the_wolf 6.5 (65)


    Heat #2 Reading Comprehension


    The correct answers:


    1) Possible


    2) Impossible


    3) Possible (though I did accept the "but it's not a shrimp pizza if you don't have shrimp on part of it!" argument because several of you made it. :rolleyes: I used to always get a sausage pizza with one third no sausage so I don't buy it, but it is a valid premise I guess. :) )


    Your answers:



    1) Yes that would be possible because the peppers can go on the onion and

    pepperoni thirds.


    2) No because green peppers are on the whole of the pizza.


    3) No because Shrimps are on the whole of the pizza.


    Darth Virul

    1) Yes, because both brands of pepper can occupy the same two thirds and have that two thirds be with pepperonis and onions, thus leaving the mushrooms completely alone in their third.


    2) No, because green peppers are on both sides of the pizza thus leaving no room for pepperoni


    3) Yes ? I mean, yes. Because...because...

    Because, the shrimp can share its two third of the pizza PIE with olives, pepperonis and sausages and leave the other third solely to either the pepperoni or the sausage, whichever happens to be the case.



    The first pizza is the logical choice and can be filled. Now the second one, the green peppers are on both sides, which means when you said no pepperoni on the green pepper side, this cannot be done. And for the 3rd pizza, this one also cannot be filled, since you asked for a shrimp pizza then the last ingredient, you indicate no shrimp on a third of it which would not make it a shrimp pizza.



    1) Yes, as the jalapenos and banana peppers can go on the pepperoni and onion thirds, thereby avoiding the mushrooms


    2) No – as the green peppers are on the whole pizza (‘both halves’) and therefore hot peppers can’t be anywhere else


    3) Took some working, but yes, though I would hate to be the pizza place! There are a few slightly different permutations that I can draw for you if necessary (I wouldn't mind reading what you came up with, actually)


    Kung Fu Jawa

    1- Possible. One third will be sausage and mushrooms, one third will be sausage, pepperoni, banana peppers and jalepenos, and the last third will be sausage, onions, banana peppers and jalepenos.

    2- Not Possible. Green peppers where requested to cover both halves of the pizza ,eaving no area without green peppers. Since pepperoni was not to be on any part with green peppers, this is not possible.

    3- Possible. There is no overlap of needs anywhere on this pizza, but I wouldn't eat it. :lol:



    1. Yes, because you could have both kinds of peppers (jalapeno and banana) on the pepperoni third and the onion third and the mushroom third would remain pepper free, completing your order and of course sausage on the whole pizza because it is a sausage pizza and you didn’t specify any particulars for the sausage.

    2. No, because you have green peppers on 100% of the pizza so it is impossible to have pepperoni only on the hot pepper part, because there is no hot pepper part just a green pepper part and a hot/green pepper part

    3. Yes, because you could get pepperoni on one half and sausage on the other half, then you would put olives and shrimp on the same two thirds of the pizza and leave the rest as is.



    1. Yes, it is possible. The banana peppers and jalapenos must be on the same two thirds (the pepperoni and onion thirds) in order for the mushroom third to be free of any kind of peppers.


    2. No, it is not possible. Not possible for the pepperoni to be onl on the hot pepper part because the green peppers cover the whole pie. (Mmm pie ;-p)


    3. Yes, it is possible. The pizza is halved with sausage annd pepperoni. black olives and shrimp cover the entire pepperoni half and part of the sausage half. The remaining third of the sausage half has no shrimp.


    Green Light Baby

    1. Yes. It's possible the mushroom third won't have any peppers on it since they could be on the other two thirds.

    2. No. Green peppers are on both halves including the pepperoni half

    3. Yes. It's possible that one third would not have any shrimp on it with the other two thirds containing black olives.


    Heat 2 points


    Green Light Baby 60

    JRB88 60

    LadyGuinevere 60

    Darth Virul 60

    eye_of_the_wolf 60

    bonnie13 60

    Kung Fu Jawa 60

    Copper 60


    Extra Credit

    I was surprised at how many of you came up with 10 titles. I would have only been able to remember the Harry Potter books of the top of my head. Maybe the Da Vinci Code one. Good job. (Except for those weasels who cheated and looked in the "what are you reading now thread" :rock: )


    Your Answers:


    Green Light Baby

    1. The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisenberger

    2. The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

    3. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

    4. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

    5. Darth Bane: Path of Destruction by Drew Karpyshyn

    6. I, Robot by Isaac Asimov

    7. Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis

    8. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

    9. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

    10. Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card



    1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling

    2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling

    3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling

    4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling

    5. The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown

    6. Angels & Demons by Dan Brown

    7. The Last Battle by CS Lewis

    8. The Magician's Nephew by CS Lewis

    9. The Horse and His Boy by CS Lewis

    10. The Silver Chair by CS Lewis



    The Magician’s Nephew

    The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

    Prince Caspian

    The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


    Kung Fu Jawa (you could only submit 10!)

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

    Darth Bane:Path of Destruction

    Dragon and herdsman

    Foundation and Empire

    The Devil Wears Prada

    Undomestic Goddess

    The Davinci Code

    Can You Keep A Secret

    Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader

    In Cold Blood


    Darth Virul

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix

    Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince

    Ender's Game

    Dragon and Slave

    Undomestic goddess

    Da Vinci Code

    Foundation and Empire

    Dragon and Herdsman



    Labyrinth of Evil

    Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader

    In Cold Blood

    Fahrenheit 451

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    The Da Vinci Code

    Ender's Shadow


    Extra Credit Points:

    Green Light Baby 20

    JRB88 20

    Darth Virul 20

    bonnie13 20

    Kung Fu Jawa 20

    LadyGuinevere 16


    Heat #3


    Note: We only had three total judges for this one, but I still dropped the lowest score since I've been doing that all along. Also, remember that the average of the remaining scores are taken.


    Copper He is the Will and the Way of my people. He stands like a rock in a stream; all will tumble down around him. I watched him grow from boy to man in the courtyards, and in the seeing glass. He knows of me- but I know him. The gods did not favor him with the Sight or battle skills, but they brushed his brow with the kiss of knowledge and watched as his mind grew wings. Rhys is his name. But in the future, they will call him Earth Shaker. He trembles before my power, his eyes flashing brilliant silver blue like the scales of a fish. He is power- he is hope. He must know my visions- it is why I have come. They will hurt him, scraping his mind free of illusion. Soon it will be time for me to fade away into the Summerlands, but not before this one final task.


    Some think the old crone is just that- old. But they do not see. She is Brenna, Little Raven. She is the heart of my people. While once her hair slid down her back in the darkest sheet of rain, now her hair is silver-spun spider webs. It whirls and whips about her as she walks toward me, spinning in an unfelt breeze. She glides as if the earth does not pull her; as if gravity is something she conquered long ago when she stooped over cauldron, watching over bones. A gauzy veil covers her face, all except her eyes. I try to avoid her gaze, but my eyes are wrenched back and I fall into those eyes like a lovers embrace. Her left eye is charcoal and ash; it measures, calculates and deserts me in a blink. But her right eye is clouded white and softest gray, like the down of a dove. This eye searches me and I feel her run inside my head like a child full of glee. There is joy both in my head and her eye when I hear her say, "Give them the food they need." Her pale lips do not move, yet I know I heard her voice chime like bells in a distant tower. I do not understand her. Her wrinkled age-spotted hands lift to cup my cheeks. There is strength and softness in her hands and a wisdom that only the passing winters bring. And with her touch she poured her visions into me.


    Score: 80, 90, 85: 87 average


    Bonnie13 She had yellow carnations in her golden wavy hair which was like the golden sunrise. Her deep green eyes which were like emeralds, were smiling as she wistfully remembered her first encounter with her husband-to-be that was waiting for her. He was dressed in a brown suit, with one button fastened, his hair neatly combed. He had applied Old Spice to his cleanly shaven face. Her first impression of him was far from stellar. When they met for the very first time, she cringed at the sight of him. His brown stood on end as if a cow herself had licked it. He had a body odor that smelled like he hadn't bathed in a month. His brown tee shirt did not come all the way down, and his stomach was exposed. One pant leg was pulled up and she could see he was wearing white socks. His unshaven face resembled a porcupine.


    Score: 65, 70, 80: 75


    GreenLightBaby: A single braided plait

    Down her back

    The garish colors

    Like a pile of leaves

    You jump into it

    You roll in it

    Caught - you deny you ever did it


    Expressive face with brown eyes

    Womanly curves in the right places

    Long legs suited for nighttime activities

    Her perfume's "Ambergris"

    I don't do whale


    A gymnast in her early years

    Grounded by her fear of heights

    The ribbon became her forte

    Twisting, twirling, spiraling in the air

    Almost made a judge into a pirate

    He cried "My eye! My eye!"


    His favorite expression

    "Ladies, watch my six"

    Last Saturday night

    At his favorite nightclub

    Toilet paper trailed his six

    Like a white crepe bridal train

    Trampled in the mud


    His calculating mind is

    Like an abacus

    Swift, accurate, old school

    Batteries not included


    An officer, a gentleman, a warrior

    A high and tight blond haircut

    His command decision

    Brought instant death to one

    Now they quest

    For a scroll of resurrection


    Their romance will be

    Like the Fourth of July

    An exhilarating ride up

    An earsplitting explosion at the top

    Crashing and burning to earth

    When the truth is told

    She's his sister

    Kidnapped at birth


    We're private eyes

    We're watching you

    Every move you make

    Every breath you take

    We'll be watching you


    Score: 85, 70, 85: 85


    eye_of_the_wolf The mans face was of a thin complex, sharp cheekbones jutted out sharply but in a handsome manor. Long jet-black hair was tied back from his face revealing small ears, pointed at the top like an elf's. A pointed nose sat in the middle of the face nostrils switching as the figure breathed in and caught a scent, Startling black eyes stared unblinkingly ahead, two pools of sorrow and pain, a never ending depth reeking mystery and provoking a unknown fear in all who looked into the black pits. Thin lips stood out against his face, A pale red in colour but dark enough to stand out

    alongside the eerie eyes. The lips twitched before pulling back into a smile, revealing two pointy, white canines hanging down over the lips on either side of the mouth. The points were sharp, as if they were needles stuck out of the figures mouth if not for the thickness and pearly white colour. As the figure smiled the eyes flashed and seemed to change although

    the colour stayed the same. The pain and sorrow disappeared, to be followed by a dark deep blankness that seemed to reek evilness, as if the devil itself was lurking there. There was no mistake as to what the creature was, it was a vampire.


    The woman was old, probably in her 90's and walked with a limp, A old and battered walking stick was held in a iron grip by a pale and wrinkly hand half covered with the sleeve of a cold black, faded overcoat. The woman's hair was as white as snow, her skin as wrinkly as paper and seemed to crinkle in different directions as she moved. Her eyes were like a witches

    crystal ball, a thin white cloud seemed to cover what once would have been startling blue eyes. The woman's nose was small and twitched in rhythm to her deep breathing her lips were parched and slightly open to let her ragged breath escape.


    Score: 50, 80, 70: 75


    Darth Virul: "No one knows why the poindexter known a ShadowDog suddenly stopped eating and signed on in Nightly. He is about as stable as bull with a tick in his testicles and twice as ornery. Do not trust this jovial doughboy appearance this booknerd puts out. With his awesome Powers, He'll chew you up like so much moist pie the first chance he gets.


    There is another patron of the Nightly fray, more colourful than the shadowy mod dog, called Copper. Her handle fits this young sprite well since this young sprite is indeed bold as brass and bright and hot as a gleaming button. See through eyes of hazel the nutty person inside and what April's Fool trickery this creation of an insane wizard will next come up from her mind.


    Beware but be aware of these two. No one knows why they start but they never stop."


    Score: 25, 85, 75: 80


    LadyGuinevere Lily could feel his eyes upon her from the moment she stepped onto the stage. And not in the same way as the rest of the club, but like pneumatic drills that bore right into the depths of her soul. She hated that; it was incredibly off-putting. Though she tried to avoid it, Lily found her attention drawn to the place where he always sat, settling on his grim visage with its wrinkles like canyons. He was probably younger than he looked, but years of hard drinking had taken their toll. His dark eyes looked upon her with a hunger that bordered on violence and he ran a tongue across his lips as though he was a child anticipating an ice cream.


    She shivered and turned away, deftly turning the involuntary motion into an alluring flick of the auburn hair that fell across her shoulders like a cascading waterfall as she swung once around the pole, her muscles taut. A few times during her performance, Lily caught sight of him out of the corner of her eye, still leering, although she couldn't really expect anything else, given that she was slowly removing her garments one by one to reveal her succulent figure. She was the stuff wet dreams were made of, possibly literally in fact.


    No matter what her personal opinion of the man, his wallet was still extremely deep, and Lily had rent to pay. After her exotic performance was over, she made sure she returned to his table, where he didn't hesitate to try the same line as always.


    "Your eyes are like limpid pools of loveliness…" he began, wheezing slightly.


    But Lily cut him off, trying hard to resist the urge to roll her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, and those short skirts I wear make you really horny. Whatever." She held out her hand. "Just pay the money and you'll get the dance."


    As usual, he handed it over without argument.


    Score: 75, 85, 80: 83 (rounded up)


    Kung Fu Jawa -Perception-


    That's Eric on that park bench over there; the decidedly average guy reading a book. Five foot ten inches, in his twenties, in need of an average haircut on his averagely brown hair. If you watch him for a while, you'll notice a pattern: blink, turn the page, push glasses higher up the average nose, repeat.


    He had reported for jury selection this morning, but didn't make it past the first cut. He really wanted to be picked. Not because of some overblown sense of civic duty, but because it got him out of work for a couple of days. Maybe if he'd dressed a little better he would have made it. As it was, he had put on his daily uniform of gray T-shirt and dark jeans. At least they were clean, but who'd notice if they weren't. Nobody ever really took notice of Eric at all. No matter what he wore or what he was doing, he always seemed to blend into the background like a quiet, urban chameleon. That's how he pegged it anyway.


    He left the courthouse with a whole day of nothing planned ahead of him. He decided that he'd park it in the shade of the town square for a few minutes and finish up the chapter he had started inside. He had picked the battered copy of "The Eyre Affair" out of his back pocket and plopped down on the nearest bench. He's been there for a couple of hours now.


    Blink, turn, push, repeat.


    Amy walked down the courthouse steps gingerly in her high heels. Spending all morninging in jury selection had left her famished. She knew there was a diner a block over so she made to cross the street and take a shortcut through the square. Each step caused the jaunty bounce of her long, red hair. It wasn't a punk-rock tomato red, her curly locks were red like a

    sunrise. Her skirt clung to her like green on grass and if traffic wasn't stopped already, she could have frozen it with a glance.


    She saw a guy reading on a bench; Eric as fate would have it. She recognized him as one of the prospective jurors from that morning. She was glad he was still there. "What a cutie," she thought. She saw a handsome man on that bench, dressed comfortably and with a certain style. He seemed absorbed in a book. She looked and saw that it was by one of her favorite authors. "This is too good to be true," she sighed quietly. She made up her mind to do something that she had never tried before. She tried to pick him up.


    "I love Fforde," she offered," he's the only writer that can make me laugh."


    "Uh-huh," said Eric not looking up from his passage.


    "Um. ,"Amy stammered, not sure how to continue,"you wouldn't happen to know of a good place to grab lunch nearby would you?"


    "Nope," said Eric with a flavor in his voice that clearly needed a dash of salt.


    "Oh. uh. Okay. Thanks." Amy walked away haltingly at first, then she shook off the rejection and made straight for the diner, although she hadn't much of an appetite any longer.


    Eric never looked up to see what was walking away from him.


    Blink, turn, push, repeat.


    Score: 90, 90, 85: 90




    1. Canterbury Tales

    By Geoffrey Chaucer

    "His son a youthful squire,

    A lover and a lusty bachelor,

    With locks well curled, as if they'd laid in press.

    Some twenty years of age he was, I guess.

    In stature he was of an average length,

    Wonderfully active and great of strength,

    Singing he was, or fluting, all the day;

    He was as fresh as is the month of May.

    So hot he loved that, while night told her tale

    He slept no more than a nightingale."(Chaucer)


    2. A Christmas Carol

    By Charles Dickens

    “It was a strange figure -- like a child: yet not so like a child as like an old man, viewed through some supernatural medium, which gave him the appearance of having receded from the view, and being diminished to a child's proportions. Its hair, which hung about its neck and down its back, was white as if with age; and yet the face had not a wrinkle in it, and the tenderest bloom was on the skin. The arms were very long and muscular; the hands the same, as if its hold were of uncommon strength. Its legs and feet, most delicately formed, were, like those upper members, bare. It wore a tunic of the purest white, and round its waist was bound a lustrous belt, the sheen of which was beautiful.” (Dickens)


    Score: 85, 80, 80: 83 (rounded up)


    Heat 3 points

    Kung Fu Jawa 90

    Copper 87

    Green Light Baby 85

    JRB88 83

    LadyGuinevere 83

    Darth Virul 80

    eye_of_the_wolf 75

    bonnie13 75


    Final Standings for Task 2

    1) JRB88 263

    2) Darth Virul 260

    3) Kung Fu Jawa 260

    4) bonnie13 255

    5) LadyGuinevere 249

    6) Copper 247

    7) Green Light Baby 245

    8) eye_of_the_wolf 200


    Final Overall Standings:

    1) Kung Fu Jawa 475

    2) Darth Virul 469

    3) JRB88 467

    4) LadyGuinevere 455

    5) Copper 447

    6) Green Light Baby 444

    7) bonnie13 434

    8) eye_of_the_wolf 374

    9) GypsyRose 221

    10) Darth Yossarian 213

    11) UK Legend Killa 208

    12) Lost in Coruscant 193

    13) Richcelt 192

  2. Bonnie raised a good point in email. The blackout cost us a good day without access to the contest. So I'm extending the deadline another 24 hours. The new deadline is midnight Sat.


    Deadline: Because of the holidays, and several people's schedules, I am posting this early and giving a special extended deadline. You have until December 30th at Midnight, EST to complete this Task.


    Isn't this the same day?


    Nope. The former is 6 and a half hours away from right now and the latter is 30 and a half hours away.


    *mad genius laughter*
  3. Okay, last call on any questions about the First Task, or to ask me to send you a copy of your submission. I'm about to delete the 75 PMs relating to it because I'm tired of not being able to use PMs. You have six hours and then they're all going bye-bye. :p

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