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Boba Sweat

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Status Updates posted by Boba Sweat

  1. some people don't like the bird singing at wembley just now, she has her knockers...

  2. cheesus was grilled for our sins

  3. needs to stop putting xbox games in his playstation.....

  4. Return of the Jedi just finished to complete a day of watching all 6 Star Wars films in HD.... awesome.

  5. Its unbelievable. Hearts supporter runs up to congratulate Jim Jefferies for Hearts getting third spot and getting into Europe and the Celtic management trip him up and start bootin **** out of him. The Celtic management are a disgrace.

  6. thanks for all the happy birthdays folks, think I've replied to them all! Just to clear up one thing. I noticed the work "bastard" being used a lot as a term of endearment (old/mad/drunken.... mainly old tho). I can confirm I was born within wedlock!

  7. Neil Lennon is like a slinky. Pointless, but brings a smile to your face when you push it down the stairs.....

  8. when i think of celtic, i think of runners up. and i just cant laugh enough, i just cant laugh enough

  9. hahahaha commons ya wee dick. enjoy missing the game on sunday.....hahahahahaha

  10. not last night, but the night beforethree wee monkey's came to the doorone with a pipe and one with a drumand one with a hand grenade stuck up his bum

  11. grew some baws, went to marks for some of their own brand skips. came back with 4 bags of skips, some bru, chocolate hobnobs and a large double quarterpounder meal from mickey d's.... result

  12. is a wee bit rough this morning, how come domino's isn't open at 9am???

  13. appears to be in the bad books.......WATP

  14. Sir Walter's last game at Ibrox. Utd have been briefed. Expect a solid win tonight!WATP!

  15. dishes done, floors hoovered/mopped. **** put away. a tidy time off work is a new experience for me

  16. red jammy dodger monkey gives me the creeps

  17. a wee early morning double bill of Star Trek on Sky Atlantic's great and all, but does it have to be Voyager and Enterprise.......

  18. Happy Birthday David Weir!!!

  19. is playing "Alan Wake" and is proper jobbying himself

  20. some epic thunder going on

  21. is stressed oot

  22. is up, shat, showered and been to sainsbury's. with the tune to the smurfs stuck in his head.

  23. another Monday. Time to get up and face the new working week. oh no, wait I'm off all week, get it roon yeez

  24. ad on sky "we now broadcast programs with audio descriptive sound on them for the visually impaired. To access this, press the help button"

  25. golden wonder salt & vinegar > walkers..... like taking a good swig of sulphuric acid

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