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I recently rewatched

The Choc

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I hadn't watched any of the older movies since the run up to TLJ, so thats over 5 years ago. As the title suggests I recently rewatched the prequels. I don't think my overriding opinion on any of the movies changed. Just thought I'd give one quick thing that kinda stood out to me while watching each one.

While watching The Phantom Menace I noticed that many of the things that used to really bother me about the movie I now find oddly charming. Like Jar Jar instead of being like "fucking Jar Jar!!!" now its like "fuckin Jar Jar" with a smile on my face. Even some of Jake Lloyds acting. I find myself smiling and saying along with him "Im a person and my name is Anakin!" and "All my life". Not saying this things are necessarily any  better objectively than I used to thing but I guess time softens us to some stuff and just by being able to smile at of that stuff it made the movie alot of fun to watch.

Attack of the Clones one thing I picked up on a bit was how much the Jedi are portrayed as lost in the first act. I mean Windu and Ki Adi Mundi flat out dismiss the idea of Dooku being behind the assassination attempt simply because he used to be a Jedi. Windu at one point says "we are keepers of the peace, not soldiers". by the end of the movie they are calling him General. I guess I noticed it because of some of the stuff that Luke says in TLJ and some of the talk around the ending of season 2 of Mando that was around the failures of the Jedi. Just made me think Lucas did a better job of setting up that the Jedi kinda have their heads up their asses than I had given him credit for.

The first 2 things I had kinda positive things I noticed Revenge of the Sith is kinda the opposite. I still love the movie but man I don't think I realized just how sidelined Padme was in this movie. We can criticize Portmans performance and some of the execution of the character but in I and II she is a strong decisive leader. She decides to go back to Naboo. She is the one who decides her and Anakin are going to Geonosis. This movie when she is only screen for the most part she is near tears or in tears and telling Anakin how worried or scared she is. I realize that alot of her scnes with her taking action politically were cut but they were cut, not in the movie so can't give her credit for them. Thankfully she does have one great memorable moment "This is how liberty dies, to thunderous applause." Unfortunately she does nothing at all in any what whatsoever to prevent it in this movie.  I realized she took a backseat in this movie but I guess it hadn't dawned on me to the extent. 

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Jar Jar didn't bother me as much as the King from the underwater world. His character was just too over the top, in an effort to create a comedic moment. 

 The only thing that really bothered me, was the goofy fight at the end of ROTS. Battling on a Lava bed that would surely have melted their asses on the platforms they were standing on. I'm not buying the idea that they were "protected by the force" when they are in such a heated battle. And the higher ground scene was horrible, up until Kenobi started telling Anakin that he'd failed him, though I don't know how I feel about acting for that scene. I can't really say that it was great or bad.

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The platforms themselves and the droids mining the lava had a force field protecting them (no pun intended). You clearly see it in the film. It’s the same force field that was protecting the building until Anakin and Obi Wan accidentally sliced up the control panel during their duel, causing the force field to come down and the sirens ring out. It had nothing to do with them being protected by the Force. 

This isn't meant to call out anyone in particular, but just me ranting about something that gets on my nerves in general when discussing the franchise. Complain about Jar Jar or the AOTS dialogue or "somehow Palpatine returned" all you want. But when people complain about stuff that clearly has an answer on screen it's like, ok now it's just obvious you didn't watch the movie if you are angry about something like that. 

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