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I need help again this Christmas season from all you parents please!

Ms. Spam

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I want to get a useful gift for a family member who is taking an 18 month old and a 3.5 year old baby to Hawaii from Austin for Christmas.


What do you think would be good? Clothes for beach fun? A plane go pack with stuff to keep kids occupied?


Destiny! I know you've done this a few times for long trips on a plane! What do you wish you had (I'm giving Kracken rum to the parents!)

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Books work for my kids. For the most part they'll sit quietly, even on planes, with a book. Or, if they have a tablet, maybe a gift card so they can put some kids movies on it.

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18 month old is going to be a pain the ass. Seriously, can you afford to buy them a seat? Lol, jk. Kind of.


I love these headphones, and they daisy chain so the kids can share a tablet. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00Q3I690I/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482108021&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=kids+headphones&dpPl=1&dpID=4165wuO3USL&ref=plSrch


My kids are tv/tablet junkies, so really just depends on what they're into.


We're getting on a plane in 2 days, but fortunately it's only a 2-hour flight. I usually pack headphones, tablet, coloring book and crayons, and a few tiny, not noisy toys. Quinn has a little backpack she carries (while complaining the whole time... Ok maybe I do load it up). And a cute little Mickey Mouse rolling bag. I might actually suggest that for the 3.5-year old, but Quinn struggled with it when she was that age. Once she hit 4, it was fine. This is what we have https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00ZYJFXMM/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1482108492&sr=8-6&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=kids+rolling+luggage+heys&dpPl=1&dpID=514h0FffutL&ref=plSrch


Maybe one of the 4-wheel gliding ones would work better? I find those a lot easier. But it's hard to find them in smaller sizes.

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It is great help though! These parents have money so when you buy a toy gift there is usually a double because they bought it or some other member of the family did. Future ideas for birthday's for the rolling bags. They travel a lot. Disney is on the list for this summer. The 18 month old fights diaper changes and gets super fussy so I think the flight is going to be a challenge. At least sister and mom in law are going too!

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