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Hillary Clinton's "Man Problem."

Pong Messiah

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This is hilarious:


Put an­oth­er way: Clin­ton is now nearly as un­pop­u­lar with men as Don­ald Trump is with wo­men. That’s say­ing something.
Mean­while, she’s not per­form­ing at nearly a strong-enough level with wo­men to coun­ter­act the prob­lem. Only 49 per­cent of wo­men viewed her fa­vor­ably in the poll, with 47 per­cent hold­ing neg­at­ive views. For all the self-in­flic­ted prob­lems that Re­pub­lic­ans have in reach­ing out to a di­ver­si­fy­ing coun­try, Hil­lary Clin­ton’s fa­vor­ab­il­ity with white men is worse than Jeb Bush’s with His­pan­ics, Ben Car­son’s with Afric­an-Amer­ic­ans, and Carly Fior­ina’s with wo­men in the same sur­vey.

What's weird is that women don't like Trump or Fiorina because those candidates are clearly sexist; Hispanics and African-Americans don't like Jeb or Ben Carson respectively because those candidates are clearly racist.


But it's inverted with Hillary: white men don't like her cause they're sexist.


Funny how that works!



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She should try showing some more skin.


It worked for Obama.



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Pong! What if she doesn't make the cut? OMG!

It doesn't seem possible; it has been awhile since I've checked, but last time I looked Sanders and the dumb guy had like 5% support from minority voters, which is kinda important. Also gotta wonder whether Sanders being forced to come out of the closet and admit he's not a gun grabber is going to hurt him among progressives, or whether he's strong enough on other issues for that to be overlooked?


Anything can happen, though. I distinctly remember people saying Obama had zero chance against Hillary Clinton, and that worked out pretty well for him.



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So the only people who vote Republican are either racist or sexist? Even if we're talking about black voters not voting for a black candidate? I guess that somehow makes females who don't vote for Hillary sexist as well.


Great logic there.

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So the only people who vote Republican are either racist or sexist?


Well, that does kinda cover 85% of your posts...



So the only people who vote Republican are either racist or sexist?

Or just plain ignorant. There is no other logical explanation.


There's the other 15%!

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I still have yet to see a single criticism of Hilary round these parts, or my facebook feed, that is based on her policy or politics. It's always one of three things:


1. She's a bad person! (Because she doesn't seem friendly?)

2. She's shifty! (cause she did something any politician would do?)

3. I just don't think she's likable! (cause she has resting bitch face?)

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She's got a lot of genuine baggage that goes beyond the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy or having a vajayjay.


One thing a lot of folks on the far left have a problem with is that she started out about as far right as you can get (volunteering for the Goldwater campaign lol), and while she has obviously drifted left on policy, she still "thinks and talks like a conservative" in a lot of ways. I have no freaking idea what this means, but I suspect it has to do with her occasional judgmental language on morals issues, while holding a more nuanced (or triangulating, if you are cynical) view of economic issues than many of her colleagues. She's not really one of us. This may or may not be true -- in the 1990s, she was portrayed as being far, far more to the left than she probably was, and her years of centrist overcompensation have left whatever her true feelings may be hazy to me and no doubt others.


On a more tangible level, she was an advocate for the Iraq war, is a lot more hawkish than many Democrats, and (worst of all) has ties to *gasp* big banks and doesn't go on anti-capitalist screeds. She's definitely not a socialist -- the monster was not pushing for a federal $15 minimum wage last I checked -- and people view her talk on income inequality as lip service as best (she's much more effective talking policy over populism).


So I dunno who your friends are, but among "leftish" people I know who dislike her, it's definitely in regards to economic policy (first), and foreign policy (second) -- yes, she's called a sellout and shifty, but it's in the context of economic ties/policy or personal scandal (see below); it has nothing to do with resting bitch face as far as I've seen. Oddly enough, the whole "dynasty" angle, where I expected a lot of pushback, is rarely brought up.


Of course people on the right are going to hate her for the same reason people on the left will hate whoever the Republicans nominate, so we don't need to go into that.


I don't have the time or interest to touch on every legit reason to straight up dislike/distrust HRC on a personal, rather than policy level; instead, I'll point to Chalups as the person around here who has the best laundry list in his head and the ability to lay out her scandals and general weaselness in a comprehensive and fair manner.

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Guest El Chalupacabra

This is hilarious:


Put an­oth­er way: Clin­ton is now nearly as un­pop­u­lar with men as Don­ald Trump is with wo­men. That’s say­ing something.
Mean­while, she’s not per­form­ing at nearly a strong-enough level with wo­men to coun­ter­act the prob­lem. Only 49 per­cent of wo­men viewed her fa­vor­ably in the poll, with 47 per­cent hold­ing neg­at­ive views. For all the self-in­flic­ted prob­lems that Re­pub­lic­ans have in reach­ing out to a di­ver­si­fy­ing coun­try, Hil­lary Clin­ton’s fa­vor­ab­il­ity with white men is worse than Jeb Bush’s with His­pan­ics, Ben Car­son’s with Afric­an-Amer­ic­ans, and Carly Fior­ina’s with wo­men in the same sur­vey.

What's weird is that women don't like Trump or Fiorina because those candidates are clearly sexist; Hispanics and African-Americans don't like Jeb or Ben Carson respectively because those candidates are clearly racist.


But it's inverted with Hillary: white men don't like her cause they're sexist.


Funny how that works!



Well, someone needs to be blamed if Hillary doesn't become president, because up until she stepped all over her tail with Bengazi and the email scandal, the election was supposed to just be a formality for her.

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Pro-abortion, pro-war, pro-bank. Lies for no good reason (sniper fire? Brian Williams at least got flack for his lies, but for Hillary it shouldn't be held against her?)


She's running on an impressive resume, but doesn't really have much going for her if you look beyond titles. Her time as Secretary of State wasn't really that successful and was basically just a consolation prize. Combine that with an FBI investigation, and she's toxic.


Most likely that's all meaningless to you, but it's not the same as whether or not I would have a beer with her. I would go out of my way to avoid contact with any presidential candidate, so it isn't anything to do with that.

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It's not ALL meaning less.


I appreciate legit reasons to not vote for her. I just don't see them frequently on social media and I'd hate for people to not vote for her cause she looks like a mean ol lady. Just like I didn't want people to vote for W cause he'd be fun to have a beer with.


I'm still an undecided voter.


Much as I despise him, I kinda want Trump to go the distance. Bernie Sanders too. I'd love to have the GOP and DEM candidates up against both a liberal leaning and a conservative leaning indy to shake things up. The two party system, and the polarization of every issue is killing us.

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So the only people who vote Republican are either racist or sexist? Even if we're talking about black voters not voting for a black candidate? I guess that somehow makes females who don't vote for Hillary sexist as well.


Great logic there.

Yes--the current fashion of Left-directed brow beating of black voters is as follows: if you do not treat a black Republican as Satan, then you are:


1. Ignorant.


2. A self hating Uncle Tom seeking a pat on the head and grinning photo-ops with Dick Cheney & Wanye LaPierre.

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So the only people who vote Republican are either racist or sexist? Even if we're talking about black voters not voting for a black candidate? I guess that somehow makes females who don't vote for Hillary sexist as well.

Great logic there.


Yes--the current fashion of Left-directed brow beating of black voters is as follows: if you do not treat a black Republican as Satan, then you are:


1. Ignorant.


2. A self hating Uncle Tom seeking a pat on the head and grinning photo-ops with Dick Cheney & Wanye LaPierre.

That's pretty much it. If you disagree with a staunch liberal that, apparently, means you just hate everything. You hate blacks, you hate women, you hate gays, you hate the color purple, whatever. You're a (pick it) with anger on top.


It's all such bullshit. Muslim kid walks into a school with a briefcase, claims it's a clock, knows it's gonna start ticking when nobody can see what's inside, knowing fully well he's gonna get the attention he craves, gets busted for being a troublemaker, and then is somehow rewarded for being a pathetic smartass kid.


As for Hillary, her past speaks volumes. We've all heard it. If you haven't you're not paying attention. The internet works, btw, look into it. I can only assume that anyone who still supports her either does so out of pure spite or is a complete dumbass.

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