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A good deal of spoilers have been going around for Episodes 9 and 10. Read at your own risk, these came from Reddit where people involved with the production last year spilled the beans.



  • About 80% of Episode 9 takes place at Winterfell, the other 20% is in Mereen.
  • The Greyjoys and their stolen ships finally show up at Mereen. (Presumably they handle the ground game against the Masters while the dragons take them out from the air.) Yara and Dany quickly become BFF's.
  • Davos finds out that the Red Witch killed his little buddy Shireen and is pissed.
  • The Boltons taunt Jon and his army, kill Rickon in front of them. They're outnumbered and almost lose the battle before Littlefinger shows up like Gandalf at Helm's Deep with the Knights of the Vale and wipe the Boltons out.
  • Ramsay is a little bitch and hides in Winterfell after he loses. Wun Wun knocks down the wall so they can get to him (and may or may not get killed in the process). Sansa obviously wants him dead but Jon spares him and imprisons him instead. (He may get fed to his own dogs anyways.) The rest of the Northern houses apologize to Jon and he is the new King in the North.
  • Cersei loses it and decides to burn the Sept down with wildfire instead of go down. It gets out of control and a lot of people die, including Tommen. Apparently a few more main characters die as well.
  • The Mountain kills the Shame nun. Evidently it will be awesome.
  • Bran shows us the second half of his Tower of Joy vision, but we still don't get a solid answer. Just a heavy hint via a smash cut to Jon.




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Yeah I mean for book readers it doesn't seem like knowing what was going to happen has curtailed enjoyment the past 5 years

That's true, but part of the fun for me is the speculating/theorizing about where things are going or how they'll be resolved. So it's a "new" type of enjoyment now when we get "off book."


Except Dorne. fuck Dorne.

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Everything except the silly manufactured drama between Sansa/Jon which served no purpose but to create strife between them and with the audience who couldn't see the inevitable "Ride of the Rohirrim" coming.


The episode in a vacuum was incredible. Really great. But looking at that writing decision in context takes some shine off it.

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That was epic! Just awesome all round. The camera work/directing of the battle was amazing. Some lovely shots, jus ****ing spot on cinematography....like Jon sword drawn standing as the front line of Bolton cavalry charge at him. Amazing. The press of the bodies and the mud and stench were practically tangible. Very well executed all of it. I'm gonna have to watch that episode again in a little while to see if I notice anything else. I like it when this show delivers.

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