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Panic attacks about death


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Although my job is communication, one of my coworkers is a psychologist specializing in anxiety. Just hearing her perspective on things has really helped me learn about my own thought patterns. I hope you've found someone equally as awesome. I'd love to hear an update on how it goes if you're comfortable sharing!

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Today was my first therapy session. Yeah, I cried, wanna do somethin about it?


Seriously it was powerful stuff. She said my thinking is alllllll warped and I am my own worse critic. Lots of work to do, but I'm hopeful it will help. Long roads are usually worth it when you hit your destination, right?

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It doesn't freak you knowing that you won't be here to see what happenes in a hundred years?

I guarantee you, in one hundred years:


A) They'll be looking back on the timeline to see what you and me here were up to in 2015.

B) They'll be wondering what life will be like after they're dead themselves.


So yeah I wouldn't put the future on such a pedestal. Would Edgar Allen Poe and Mark Twain be so special if they lived in any other time? These guys owned their time.


I rub a lot of people the wrong way when I say this but you want your life to mean something?


A) write a book

B) plant a tree or

C) make babies


Leave something behind!! Don't ever think you'll be forgotten neither. Imagine being that Neanderthal who's bones were discovered and placed in a MUSEUM.

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