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Rumors But Could Be *SPOILERS*


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I'm considering skipping an opening day showing, so that I can judge from the reactions here whether to bother going at all. I'm not keen on walking out of a theater that I paid to get into. I'd much rather just not go than to throw money away on a film I can't sit through.

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Wouldnt the hand burn up in the planets atmosphere? Or is it inside some sort of container?


Once again this is a stupid idea. Why not just intercept a hologram message sos frequency?


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I think the idea of the hand is kinda silly too. However even if true, it would only take a couple minutes and if it leads to a fun adventure, who cares?


Plus can't bring up science about the hand burning considering there are sounds and fires and explosions in space in all the Star Wars movies.

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I'm an idiot so don't take my word as gold;


The simplistic answer is that sounds like we hear them as vibrations thru particulates shouldn't happen as displayed on film. However "sound" <-- (notice the quotes, please) could be "heard" thru space in various other ways.


As for explosions in space as We like them to look it may depend on the amount of energy and matter involved... how much and what type of "fuel" is available to feed the reaction We're seeing. However it still shouldn't act as it does in an atmosphere, like Hollywood appeases us with.

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