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CONFIRMED Star Wars Episode 7 news


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I think if they really want to do something novel with a female lead they should have one who doesn't get involved in any kind of romance at all at any point in any of the three movies.


In all seriousness, has this ever been done? In an action type movie having a main female character have no romantic entanglements? Maybe The Hunger Games? I haven't seen it.


Now we know that there will be some kind of love story at some point in these movies, because you just have to shoe horn one in no matter what. But it would be interesting if the main new female character introduced in Episode 7 just steers clear of romance for the duration of the movies.


To me doing that with a female lead would do alot more in terms of sort of advancing female roles in these kind of movies than any kind of head count of male vs female characters. Main female characters always fall in love in these movies, always. Even if she is a good, well developed character, she MUST fall in love.

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It's not that a love story or romance being part of the story is a problem in and of itself, the problem is when it serves as the only way to define and/or motivate a female character that people should take issue. It's a pretty serious problem with mainstream movies. Look up the Bechdel Test.

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Well obviously sometimes a love story is fine, but so often they are just shoe horned in. Look at LOTR, that Aragorn/Arwen stuff is just forced into the plot of the movie and it grinds the damn thing to a halt every time it's on screen. In reality that's an insult to female audiences that they need to throw romances into these movies to cater to them. As if they can't enjoy a movie without a romance.


I agree that there is no problem with a love story in and of itself. I just think it would be interesting to have a major female character just not fall in love. I can't really remember many movies where that is the case.

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Considering we can't even get a Batman movie that doesn't include Bruce turning into a lovesick teenager, I don't think we're getting away from the shoehorned romances anytime soon.

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Considering we can't even get a Batman movie that doesn't include Bruce turning into a lovesick teenager, I don't think we're getting away from the shoehorned romances anytime soon.

One thing I liked about the Nolan Batman movies was that although Bruce was obviously in love with Rachel we didn't really see a love story. We were just sort of asked to accept that he was in love with her. Same thing with Catwoman, there really arent many actual romantic scenes between the two of them.

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You know what I'm hoping for? I hate to hope for something like this, and I know many of you will be shocked and maybe even offended (especially Mara), but I'm hoping for Han Solo to meet a quick and unexpected death. .

I only want Han dead for the sole reason that Harrison Ford puts zero effort into his roles anymore.

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I'm not against diversification, silly. I'm annoyed with the trend that demands it or else, counts things etc. There is a real thing happening with some people where lust for equal representation is sorta creating a stereotypical visual or [insert thing]. Then at the same time we also see more and more hyper demographic programming, like self imposed segregation.


In both these cases We're, the royal, not actually progressing. We're ticking off a checklist. There is a difference.


Afterthought: It's not just race/gender stuff either. I understand the issue with romance subplots, but there is a push so hard against it that I have read read people tearing down a well written romance simply because it's "another romance". There is a point people have gotten where it's like they start the rant parade before even considering whether the story is a good one. It's literally just checklist living.

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I never write a character in a screenplay as a particular race nor do I indicate a race in the casting breakdowns. The best actor, regardless of race, wins the role. The obvious exception is blood relatives where you have to cast it all one way.


Did that happen in this movie? I doubt it.

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I think it's an actual problem with movies-- most films are geared to men, ages 14-35. I'm on the inside of it, my manager gets calls all the time where development people are LITERALLY saying to her "I need a white male driven action movie that can be shot for under $5 million." It's what does the business, so they refuse to break from form.


I think Star Wars is under the microscope a bit because A. It has HUGE amounts of female fans despite having weak female characters, and B. because Abrams himself said he was looking to cast diversely.


Again, I think if the movie's primary heros are a young woman and a black man, he's doing a decent job. But at the same time, when Mara says she wishes there were more female roles, I get it.

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I'm not against diversification, silly. I'm annoyed with the trend that demands it or else, counts things etc. There is a real thing happening with some people where lust for equal representation is sorta creating a stereotypical visual or [insert thing]. Then at the same time we also see more and more hyper demographic programming, like self imposed segregation.



Annoyance with a general trend, fine. It's not a trend that annoys or disturbs me (it's one I applaud) but whatever. Surely there's nothing wrong with pointing out the new additions to the Star Wars saga are a fairly bro-heavy bunch. I don't see that as a demand or as a lust (WTF?) but as an objective observation of fact.


In both these cases We're, the royal, not actually progressing. We're ticking off a checklist. There is a difference.

That checklist was already being ticked off before. Now it's got a few more options on it, that's all. Boys watching the original Star Wars got to easily identify with either Luke or Han, why not have girls watching the new Star Wars able to identify with either Random-Collection-of-Vowels-And-Consonants-1 or Random-Collection-of-Vowels-And-Consonants-2?

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No, see that's not what I mean.


eg. I mentioned Leia dying. Immediately it was shot down because it would be one less vagina. There was no consideration for whether it could be a great story for Leia.


Again not a front to Mara, I feel like I know her, feel like I know what she is saying. If Mara read a story where Leia dying was awesome I feel like she wouldn't just rally the brigades because one less lady is in Star Wars. I know Mara can look at a story and see it's merits.


Many others I see do not and could not do that. They are so chained by their checklist that stories are slammed or not even considered.


Does that make sense or am I just dumber than usual?

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I get what you're saying (I feel like you're moving the goalposts, but, upon consideration you may just be keeping in mind the earlier placed goalposts) but don't really want to argue any more (even genially) with my seventh-most favourite poster here so I'll bow out at this time.

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