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Black Mesa - A Total Conversion for all Half-Life fans

Lord Malice

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Really? That's bizarre. Because that's an incredibly outlandish theory. Personally, I think it'd be kind of lame if that were true, but at least it's kind of ballsy.


My personal thoughts go a bit more like this:


The G-Man is actually an agent or representative of an alien organization bent on fighting and destroying the world assimilating Combine. He's actually on his own mission to help set-up a chain of events that morphed into the Black Mesa incident when Gordon, running about the place with his hazard suit, catches his attention. He then goes about aiding Gordon throughout the complex so as to ensure Freeman's safety and eventually strike the first blow against the Combine, freeing the world of Xen from the Combine's grasp by destroying the Combine's puppet leader of Xen, Nihilanthe. The freeing of the Vortigaunts allows them to destroy the factories producing the Combine/Vortigaunt hybrid soldiers seen throughout the game. The G-Man, now intrigued at Freeman's skills, offers him work or death. Naturally, Freeman chooses his new 'assignment,' and the G-Man freezes him outside of time until he's needed on Earth again.


In between, apparently the incident at Black Mesa did nothing to help, and the Combine end up portaling in and occupying the planet, turning the population into slave labor or Combine/Human hybrid soldiers. Sensing the time for revolt is nigh, the G-Man, as the alien organization's representative on Earth, brings Freeman out of his frozen state to help incite rebellion. Literally, the first three quarters of Half-Life 2 involve Freeman's 'return,' which helps ignite the sparks of revolution in all the rebels. They then fight back, while also allowing Gordon to reach the citadel in the middle of City-17, and basically perform the same act he did on Xen: free Earth of the Combine's grip and destroy the Combine's figurehead leader, Dr. Breen. G-Man then, yet again, congratulates him on his job, tells him of his employers yet again, and freezes him until he's needed.


The only thing that throws a monkey wrench into this whole thing is that, first, Dr. Breen seems to already know what Freeman's place is as he too mentions Freeman's assistance as up for the higheset bidder. So what does that mean? G-Man's actually like Gordon's manager and takes some form of currency in return for Gordon's services where ever he's needed?


That, and the fact that the new expansion pack (being released via Steam in episodes) takes place immediately after the Citadel's destruction, as it begins with Gordon and Alyx fleeing the Citadel. So, somehow Gordon being frozen doesn't last very long which means that either the G-Man sees something else Gordon has to do, or, Gordon somehow, without his knowing it, escapes his being frozen and the G-Man's control.


So yeah, this story could go in tons of places.


The greatest thing about this series is that as soon as I beat Half-Life 2, I spent days and days having long actually involved discussions with various friends over what was going on and what was going to happen. No game has ever made me think like this one has.

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I agree with Malice, this game makes me think more oftent then you would have thought. I love these games and their deep, involving plots.


I dont think the Gman is Future Gordon. I think he is, as Malice said, some type of buffer between Freeman and the higher ups. Exactly who the higher ups ARE.. well that is the question.

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Personally, I can't wait for the theories to start coming when the first Episode of the expansion's released. (Which I do hope, once the entire thing is finished and out to the public, they release as one large game so you don't have to play it episodically.) But yeah. Psyched.

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I know what you guys mean about the story. I'm perpetually playing through HL2 picking up new bits and pieces I'd missed all the times before. And those theories on the G-man are ineresting. Malice, your theory is, of course, the most obvious, but what if it were actually a little bit of both? What if the higher ups approached Gordon sometime in the future and recruited him to go back and use his former self to help turn the tide on the war against the combine? I think I like this if only because I don't like the idea that Gordon has no will of his own. I mean, either work for them or die. If G-Man is actually Gordon, then he's actually doing his own will, whether he knows it at the time or not. But I probably just have control issues I need to work out in many months of therapy. shrug


Oh, and just out of curiosity... How many years after Black Mesa is HL2 supposed to be?

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I don't think Gordon's frozen again, like after Half Life, because, while it does fade to black while the G-man's talkin to you, I don't think it just stops. And the next chapter DOES start with you playing as gordon & getting out, so I think it'd be a little redundant for the G-man to freeze gordon for like 10 minutes, don't you think?

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Yeah, timeline I followed said about ten years in between games. Gordon just doesn't realize it's been that long.


Somebody explained it somewhere interestingly: Why would any character go out of their way to explain to Gordon how long it's been since Black Mesa and what's been going on? The other characters have no idea that Gordon's been secreted away someplace by the G-Man. That'd be like trying to explain to a soldier in Iraq why he's there. It's already pretty obvious to him. Which is why I think the story is told so brilliantly, in that everybody assumes the character of Gordon knows what the deal is. But, despite being the key, just about, to the entire saga, he's clueless.

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You know, I thought it would be cool if maybe Adrian Shephard(Opposing Forces) was released out of wherever he was placed(G-Man says something about putting him in a haven or something) and came back to either face Gordon as a test or If there was another Expansion where Shephard was placed into a Combine Soldier Suit where you can see how the Comebine worked in a more indepth way and stuff like that. But what would Shephard's Objective be since the whole city has changed?





Oh yeah, my prediction on G-man is that he's using Freeman to weaken the Combine, making the Combine use more of their elite members to try and take him down, and while that happens G-man somehow overthrows the Combine and becomes the ultimate ruler.


It might be a little dumb and far-fetched, but we'll see soon enough yes

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The real question in all of this is why GMan bothers using Gordon. I mean the guy can stop time and can clearly go anywhere Gordon goes and himself could easily kill Gordon (see the bad ending in HL 1).


Speaking of the bad ending of HL 1, if anything that shows that the GMan is not a good guy, and has his own agenda as well as being pitiless in acheiving it.

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I always thought it was like how like a British(or something) government would use a chinese spy instead a British one so the victim of the Chinese Spy would blame the chinese instead of the British.


Maybe in this case the Gman doesn't want the Combine to be pissed and suspect his species, but instead think Humanity is the threat. You know?

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I played Half-Life 2 before I ever played the first one. I finally did and finished it, but I can still barely stomach playing it. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but it's from back in the day when FPS movement wasn't quite as smooth as it is now and it makes me motion sick. Probably the main reason I found HL Source very disappointing. It was just a port. Wasn't quite the conversion I was expecting. Still makes me a little motion sick.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is not Black Mesa Related but HL related. I thought this quote was SO damn funny.


GI: Valve did an Xbox version of Half-Life 2. Were you happy with that? Are you thinking about doing more things with consoles or staying on PC?


Newell: That product was the first big retail disappointment we’ve had in the history of the company. So that sort of caused us to scratch our heads a little bit. We’ve never missed our forecast on any significant product before, so the fact that that product under performed by somewhere between the factor of two to three was really surprising to us. We still haven’t figured out what the hell that meant. There’s certainly certain technology investments that we’re interested in, and we’ll continue to make, but right now it’s sort of hard for us to get excited about the Xbox 360s install base, and the PS3 slipping so that’s where we are.





Check that link out for info. it includes the release of Afterlife, (in May) and future episodic content! the second episode has begun production.

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  • 9 years later...

This was released on Steam recently! Anyone get it? I've been playing through since I never had before, the only HL I've played before this was the Orange Box. I was going to makea new topic but found this old one lying around I could use instead!

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Keep in mind Black Mesa does not include the last few levels that were in the original Half-Life! I did not know this going in and was wondering what the heck was up. Still an awesome remake, though!

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