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Darth Virul

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Status Updates posted by Darth Virul

  1. Except calendars. Like that deathwatch of yours in this profile. Besides, between how DOCTOR Lecter was described as thin in the Red Dragon and how Sir Anthony portrayed him in the movies, human livers must be quite a bit fattening. Unless it's the gas from the beans. ;)

  2. Know what else is a cliche now. Fava beans, chianti and human liver. Ha ! ;)

  3. Salvador Dali and Carlos Castaneda, then ?

  4. Funny, with the arranging of intestines theme going on, I thought you would have been more of a Picasso fan. Or on a really bad day, M C Escher.

  5. I really need to learn how to send profile comments. This is so embarassing every time it happens. :(

  6. Sure you can and yesterday was that day. ;) But you have to pick either inquisitor or megalomaniac. Small and sharp or big and blunt. Sorry, candylips.

  7. Sure you can and yesterday was that day. ;) But you have to pick either inquisitor or megalomaniac. Small and sharp or big and blunt. Sorry, candylips.

  8. But you get the exact same result with a Hershey bar and a meeting of Weight Watch. Come on, use that pretty little underbelly of yours and think creatively.

  9. I thought booms were too quick and impersonal for you ?

  10. All right, I'll bite. What does the red button do ? ;)

  11. Oh yeah ? Who did you slap and why did he deserve it ? ;)

  12. Wise ? Do I look like wise to you ? Do I look like I know the sound of one hand clapping outside of hitting my own forehead with it ? Well, do I ?

  13. You should at least appreciate the honesty in the title. "For Love of EVIL" ;)

  14. Just so you know, I'm about to read a Piers Anthony novel. >:p

  15. I'm suing your contents page for manslaughter, you...you....awesome censorbreaker you!!!

  16. Hey ! The sudden death rate among people visiting my profile is blown out of proportion by media.

  17. Thanks for visiting :) Signed: The Ego

  18. Ooops. I just now noticed the first comment you sent me. Boy is my face red! Oh and sad because Copper won't continue a funny story she started. I call her now Copper the Stopper.

  19. nag nag Thraxas nag nag Nightside questions nag nag nag nag How's work and family? nag Florida nice this time of the nag nag year ? nag nag happy smiley nag nag PM

  20. Promises promises.

  21. Have you read the Thraxas book yet ? Wishing to know if it's your kinda magic.

  22. I thought I felt a chill but it was just you walking over my profile.

  23. Not a beagle ? But that's not true. With you it's always "dark and stormy nightly"....

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