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Everything posted by RUAJedi2

  1. If we get a Zoom room I might invite a friend. SHUT UP I HAVE A FRIEND. One. Maybe. Also my computer is still being a little pecker hole. Why would it suddenly think it doesn't have a camera or microphone????
  2. Seconding wut Jacob said. Probably need to just post a Zoom link on this thread
  3. As long as nobody got called a see-you-next-Tuesday it's all good.
  4. Fuck. Sinéad O'Connor died. Normally I'm not that bothered by celebrity deaths, but this one got me. One of the most distinctive and powerful voices of my -- or any -- generation.
  5. Cuz we look to you for wisdom and guidance.
  6. Same time, 6 p.m. Pacific/9 pm Eastern?
  7. Is there going to be another Cards Against Humanity any time soon?
  8. Hypothetically someone just got a message that "something came up" so there will be no weekend visit.
  9. Hypothetically, if you were all talking how hot shit you are to someone online who lives 4 hours away, and you both were all "We should totally meet up for drinks/hanging out/possible wild sexy times" (and you've traded pics and talked and video chatted and stuff so you know it's not catfishing) because you KNOW that it will never happen, and then they're all like "Awesome. I'ma be in your town around Friday at noon and I'm getting a hotel so we can totally drink/hang out/have wild sexy times and I'm staying until Sunday" and your spouse who is awesome hella cool laughs and says "Busted, dumbass!" what would you do? Hypothetically? Also hypothetically how freaked would you be that they're coming specifically to meet you, not just to do something in the city you just happen to live in?
  10. Omg y'all, I was talking to this dude and he mentioned that he liked horror movies, and one of the ones he mentioned was Leatherface, and I was all like "I'm totally friends with the guy who wrote the screenplay" and he didn't believe me, and I was all like "Uh-huh, my wife gave him good advice when his kid was little, and in fact, his kid just graduated high school last week, and you can look him up on IMDB because we're totally cool with each other" and now I am apparently best buds with Seth, and also may need to send Oliver a graduation present. Oliver, receiving random envelope with a check in it: Who TF is this?
  11. Hope we can do it again soon, although I was up way past my bedtime.
  13. You ***holes have fun. My computer hates me. And eated its microphone.
  14. If I hear one more person compare this bullshit to the Challenger disaster I'm going to lose my mind. The Challenger crew and Christa McAuliffe were true heroes who died in pursuit of knowledge and truly being explorers. This sub contained a bunch of rich- ass ghouls going someplace they were in no way prepared for and need not have been.
  15. Q: Why can't you take your Ewoks toys outside to play with them? A: Because they are for Endor use only.
  16. We used to be friends with a very gay dude, and one day I was bitching about car repairs. He just shrugged and told me "Honey, of it has tires or testicles, it will give you trouble."
  17. Cascades on the Nantahala River And a cool rock that looks like a bear
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