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Posts posted by Copper

  1. So, someone dropped a piece of cold cut chicken on the kitchen floor, and left it for the cats to clean up.


    The kitchen floor is beige linoleum. Cold cut chicken is beige.


    I go walking across the kitchen, which tuns to flying across the kitchen when I step on the piece of chicken just right. I sprained my ankle falling. Considering the way I landed, it's really surprising I didn't also break an arm or a hip, and I narrowly missed hitting my head on the counter.


    This is the third time I've sprained this ankle in the past nine months. It hadn't fully healed from the last sprain. Oh, and I leave for vacation in three weeks. **** my life.


  2. So I rage quit reading this book about 2/3rds of the way through it because the main character was so freaking insufferable I couldn't handle it anymore. But Icy says that I should have pushed through it and continued onto the second and third.


    I really don't even know if I could. But I am considering re-reading it.



    I remember I stopped reading American Gods a long time ago because I couldn't care about a main character who doesn't care about himself. I was able to read it all the way through last year, but it still felt like a completely souless book. Probably my least favorite Neil Gaiman book ever.

  3. Are you seeking help? My Mom is bipolar, and what you're describing largely doesn't describe her symptoms. What you're describing reminds me of acute stress. Regardless, you should speak with your primary care physician and get a referral to someone who can help you out.


    Good luck Brando and be kind to yourself.

  4. I saw this film a few weeks ago. In a crowded theater full of stoner teenagers thinking it was going to be ... I don't know, but something other than what it was. Actually paying attention to the film was thus difficult.



    Even the witches - practically faceless, ugly, and irredeemably evil... but then Thomasin chooses to join them. Not like it was much of a choice - no one would take her in after what happened to her family, even if she never let anyone know how her mom died... so it was basically that, or dying, whether she killed herself, subjected herself to a witch trial, or stayed in the house and went insane while she starved to death. So she joined the Satanic coven. But Thomasin isn't evil to start out with, circumstance makes her choose evil as a last resort... and it makes you wonder what would drive any of those women to the coven.



    This is what I liked about it. I left the film with the feeling that the puritans - like all starkly manichean belief systems - really did manufacture their own demons. As Cotton Mather, the Divine in Salem back in the day, put it when he reflected back upon the epidemic of false witch accusations "the devil really was loose in Salem." And they conjured him.


    I kinda feel like you guys are missing the most interesting part of the movie: witches are real, and evil, and are totally responsible for what happened in the film. What drove those women to the coven is, in fact, the coven. Sure there are mitigating circumstances (for instance, if Thomasin tried to go back to town and explain what happened she'd be labeled a witch and burned) but that's really besides the point. Hysteria doesn't do this to the family- that baby really got kidnapped and a witch really did fuck with the family until they self destructed.


    For the most part, I found the film incredibly bleak and a huge downer but the only saving grace was that surprise, the witches were real and evil and the complete lack of any salvation from the divine was a pretty refreshing take on hugely over trodden ground.

  5. I've been kicking around the idea of doing a podcast where I interview current and retired park district employees to hear their wild stories about things they've experienced in the parks.


    But... I have no idea if I will get in trouble for doing this since I am still a park district employee. I mean, I'm not going to post anything that's character defamation or anything like that but I can just see someone getting annoyed that these stories are being told and aren't being vetted (for lack of a better word) by public affairs.


    I've checked our contract and there's nothing in it that prohibits this sort of thing, plus I'd be doing it on my personal time. So I feel like I'm mostly safe.


    But I don't know. I think it'd be a great podcast but I also don't want to lose my job.


    Any thoughts?

  6. Man. The people of nightly are having it rough lately. My condolences and shit.


    Soo... might as well add to the pile.


    My dog has cancer. We're removing it next Tuesday. Imma only do this one time, if she gets it again then we'll do the compassionate care route and let her pass. It's just too expensive, and the recovery is too painful to put her through it more than once.

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