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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Wait another week for Phantom Liberty to come out, it looks pretty cool. I’m stoked to replay with these changes.
  2. The “it’s going to be this and let me down talk I you why” turning to “well it was actually this” is so amusing to me. Early 2000s nightly vibe.
  3. Hard too, and it’s rare I take it off given that I hate heat and sun. Sometimes it’s fun in the summer evening to take it off. Usually front panels as I don’t have the patience to do the back.
  4. Sahara. 4 door, with a grumpy face grill. Manual transmission
  5. I love my Jeep even if it gets total shit gas mileage.
  6. Still hot, but bummed she’s a smoker.
  7. There's a very simple bit of screenwriting advice that says "show, don't tell." It's a one of those things that is very simple, and often the right way to go about things-- but it's sometimes so simple and doesn't work that people who want to give notes, but don't know how, throw it out because they aren't sure why something isn't working for them. In this case though, it's a very on point criticism. It's not enough that we are just being told about Ezra and Thrawn. They are trading on the fact that Thrawn has a rep in the extended Star Wars mythos for a lot of fans, and that Ezra was the star of Rebels. Again, it's not that people can't follow what Ahsoka is putting out, but I very much doubt anyone new to this show that didn't see Rebels or read the Thrawn books has any feeling about them either way. There's not a lot going on in terms of stakes with this story. The only stakes we're seen that have been delivered on is Sabine falling in with the baddies to get what she wants, which is a very Star Wars thing to do.
  8. Yes! Supermassive's The Devil In Me came out last November and was a reasonable success... but, like comics, it's a very insular world and hard to get into.
  9. I’m not sold yet… because Maybe Palpatine did. I still think there’s some fix the ST stuff planned and the worst line in ROTS, “Somehow Palpatine has returned” is a thing what needs fixing. I wouldn’t be surprised if in this other Galaxy we meet The Knights of Ren. This was my argument back in the day during the PT about the EU, and how people who thought stuff from those books would show up were crazy. Now, not so much. I don’t think it’s a question of being able to follow, they’re covering that fine. Like Choc said, it’s why should we care? They are relying on random to just accept anything branded Star Wars, which frankly, it’s been doing since the 90s when the EU started. All my negativity aside though, I did like this episode. Hayden crushed it. He showed so many sides of Anakin that the PT scripts didn’t have the nuance for. That was some amazing redemption stuff. I kinda wished they’d given that second flashback to Ashley Eckstein, though she might be kinda old and not Latina enough to track as a 30 years younger Ahsoka.
  10. I’m talking to IDW a bit— but even the smaller guys are struggling right now. IDW cut all their original books and are only doing licensed titles as its the only thing that sells.
  11. Same! I think what kills me is that if this had come out at the actual time and place it takes place-- as in 4-5 years after ROTJ came out, it would be a HUGE deal for me. I almost feel like tonally they are trying to appeal to everyone too much. I loved Tales of the Jedi, cause it felt like it was for kids, and that was okay. I liked Andor because it felt like it was meant for people who are adults now, but were kids during the OT. Mando S1/2 felt like just the right combo of each. But this show, Mando3, BOBF... they feel like a cartoon one minute, and something you're supposed to feel very serious about the next.
  12. Believe it or not, mainstream comics is harder to break into than TV. I’ve done a few issues here and there, but it’s a very low paying, low reward, industry unless you’re writing a famous superhero.
  13. Maybe like 50%? I’m not tired of my actual job, it’s mostly money and my body falling apart that I am mad about
  14. Tank


    How has Bathesda never figured out how to properly make an inventory system that isn’t a mess. It’s amazing how some of this game looks AAA next gen, and yet other parts look like they are scraping code from 1998.
  15. That this isn't a live action bonus season of Rebels and is for everyone... but no one is buying that.
  16. I was a Designer for 15 years before writing, but what field had become flooded and I have a ten year gap in my resume for that kind of work. I’ve thought about going back to school for welding, no joke.
  17. Lady is good, we live together now and she helps keep me leveled and the bills paid. But yeah, it’s mostly the strike. 130 days, savings about gone, and the sun and heat are not my pals.
  18. I’m a bestseller now so I take it all back. (kidding… sorta… Odine is 100% correct.)
  19. Tank


    I’ve been playing Mass Effect Legendary with Mods (which has been amazing, ME3 is completely different experience) as a build up for Star Field. I too am hoping there’s a solid community patch mod soon to fix the usual “Bathesda jank” as one review put it.
  20. Not like, suicide done, but like… done trying? I’m tired. I’m almost 50. I have no savings or assets, some years I make six figures, some years I make nothing. My kid had moved out. My health is meh. I just want to eat snacks and watch movies and not work.
  21. I’d love to see a dark side apprentice be turned good.
  22. And Shin Hati? More like Shin Hottie.
  23. If they are explanation force ghosts with the time travel place... I just don't know. It tracks...but also, fuck off.
  24. My point was, why not take an X-Wing out?
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